BACKGROUND: The Department of the Inspector General (the Department) began operation in 2022. Pursuant to Chapter 235.05 of the Columbus City Codes, the Department’s duties include, but are not limited to, receiving all complaints of misconduct and/or excessive use of force by sworn personnel in the Columbus Division of Police filed by citizens or initiated by the Civilian Police Review Board for review in order to determine and forward to the appropriate investigatory entity. To execute on this duty, it is essential that the public be aware of the Department’s existence, utility, and overall function and that the Department implement a communication plan that provides for appropriate messaging and public engagement. The Department will begin accepting complaints on July 11, 2022.
The Department requires the services of a professional marketing or public relations firm to assist with design and development of appropriate website content, media material, flyers, and brochures as well as identification of appropriate media outlets and message development.
The Saunders Company, LLC’s Contract Compliance Number with the City of Columbus is CC008789 and has an expiration date of August 24, 2022. The Saunders Company, LLC is also a certified Minority Business Enterprise with the City of Columbus. Its certification number is MBE008789 and has an expiration date of September 30, 2023.
FISCAL IMPACT: This ordinance authorizes the expenditure of up to $24,500.00 from the General Fund to fund marketing/public relations professional services for the Department of the Inspector General.
EMERGENCY DESIGNATION: Emergency action is requested to allow the Department of the Inspector General to initiate and complete planning of its marketing and public relations initiatives prior to beginning to take complaints in July.
To authorize the Inspector General to enter into a contract with The Saunders Company, LLC, for the purpose of providing profes...
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