Mayor Ginther’s vision for Columbus, America’s Opportunity City, is that every 4-year-old in Columbus has access to a high-quality prekindergarten education. Addressing early childhood learning means bringing awareness and resources to a critical learning stage in childhood development. Children who come to school ready to learn are more likely to succeed academically and in life.
To make sure our children are ready for kindergarten, the Department of Education uses different tools and collaborates with certain organizations in the preparation of our children. Ready4Success (R4S), administered by the Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy at the Ohio State University, uses a multi-pronged strategy to support providers in preparing children for Kindergarten success.
The goal of the R4S initiative is to improve children’s outcomes and kindergarten readiness. It does so by focusing on the instructional practices of prekindergarten teachers. For the 2018-19 academic year, the R4S initiatives will support and augment instructional practices in the areas of math, literacy and vocabulary. R4S initiatives will most heavily emphasize the delivery of online professional development courses, individualized job-embedded coaching and support for providers and evaluation of the impacts of R4S on participating providers and children.
Therefore, the Department of Education requests permission to contract with the Crane Center for Early Childhood Research and Policy at the Ohio State University to provide this crucial work.
This contract is being awarded pursuant to Section 329, which allows for the City to negotiate not-for-profit service contracts. This organization was selected due to their prior experience and success in providing the same services in 2017.
FISCAL IMPACT: Funding for this contract ($234,635) is available within the 2018 Department of Education General Fund budget.
EMERGENGENCY JUSTIFICATION: Emergency designation is ...
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