BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of the Department of Development to execute grant agreements with numerous not-for-profit, social service agencies for Year 2 of the department’s Elevate! 2.0 program. See Exhibit A for the list of 4 of the 64 not-for-profit social services agencies included in this ordinance, other agencies were listed on prior ordinances 0655-2024 and 0656-2024 which was approved by Columbus City Council on April 8, 2024. The term of each grant shall be for a 12- month period from January 1, 2024, to December 31, 2024. The total amount awarded to the agencies within this ordinance is $250,000.00.
Columbus, renowned as America's Opportunity City, remains a beacon of potential and hope for its residents. Nevertheless, a significant portion of the population faces challenges stemming from personal, societal, structural, and economic factors, which impede their full participation in the city's myriad of opportunities. Acknowledging the complexity of these challenges, the City is committed to implementing a comprehensive solution and is responsible for driving transformative changes to establish equitable opportunities for all residents.
The Elevate! Initiative plays a pivotal role in this transformative change. This initiative allocates funding to support 112 distinct non-profit organizations categorized into two programs, denoted as 1.0 and 2.0, collectively addressing 16 of the 21 aspirations outlined in The Mayor’s Opportunity Rising. Through various means, the Elevate! Initiative promotes and provides opportunities for collaboration, learning, and resource-sharing among member agencies, ensuring that every community member they serve can access the services needed based upon their unique circumstance.
The Elevate! 2.0 NOFA (Notice of Funding Availability) was made available to local not-for-profit organizations from September 12, 2022, to October 3, 2022. The Department received 142 applications, requesting ...
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