BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Finance and Management Director to enter into a contract on behalf of the Office of Construction Management with DLZ Architecture, LLC. for an assessment and recommendation to correct the high water table by diverting and redirecting the water away from Fire Station 15, 1800 E. Livingston Avenue. This project will include a subsurface investigation, camera of all drainage pipes, and geotechnical services. This assessment is necessary to provide the City with the ability to improve potential flooding issues related to the current drainage system.
The Department of Finance and Management, Office of Construction Management, solicited a request for Proposals for the assessment of Fire Station 15 Groundwater. The project was formally advertised on the Vendor Services website. On June 10, 2019 the City received two (2) responses (0 FBE, 0 MBE), as listed. All proposals were deemed responsive and were fully evaluated by the Evaluation Committee:
Company City AS1/FBE/MBE
DLZ Architecture, LLC Columbus EBOCC
Star Consultants, Inc. Columbus EBOCC
DLZ Architecture, LLC. received the highest score by the Evaluation Committee. The Office of Construction Management is recommending the contract award to DLZ Architecture, LLC.
DLZ Architecture, LLC. Contract Compliance No. 31-1268980, expiration date February 28, 2020.
Emergency action is requested so that work may begin as soon as possible, so that these groundwater issues can be assessed quickly.
Fiscal Impact: This legislation authorizes an expenditure of $50,000.00 from the Safety Voted Bond Fund with DLZ Architecture, LLC for assessment and recommendation services related to correcting the high water table at Fire Station 15, 1800 E. Livingston Avenue. These funds are budgeted within the Public Safety capital budget.
To amend the 2019 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer funds between projects within the...
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