The Department of Public Utilities maintains an effective environmental compliance program in order to maintain consistent compliance with environmental laws and regulations and to reduce any environmental impacts associated with its various activities. As part of the Department’s Environmental Management System process, the Department of Public Utilities executed a Request for Proposal to evaluate Clean Air Act compliance and evaluate the possibility of transitioning from the current Title V permits with restrictions to a less restrictive permit.
The Department of Public Utilities (DPU) is responsible for the daily administration, operation and maintenance of the City of Columbus water supply and distribution system including three (3) water treatment plants; sanitary and storm water collection and treatment system including two (2) waste water treatment plants and a bio-solids composting facility; and electricity power distribution including numerous power substations and transformers. DPU operations are subject to multiple environmental permits which include two (2) Title V permits, numerous state air permits, six (6) National Pollutant Discharge Elimination System (NPDES) permits, and general storm water permits. Additionally, DPU administers the pretreatment and storm water regulatory programs (MS4 Permit Program) for the City of Columbus. These extensive operations and regulatory requirements support the need for a robust EMS program.
The Department of Public Utilities advertised Request for Proposals (RFPs) for the subject services in the City Bulletin in accordance with the applicable provisions of Columbus City Code, Chapter 329 (RFQ006762). Thirty-eight (38) vendors were solicited and two (2) proposals were received and opened on September 29, 2017. The proposals were reviewed based on quality and feasibility. Environmental Resources Management, Inc. was determined to be best qualified to provide the professional services necessary t...
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