BACKGROUND: Columbus Public Health’s Office of Emergency Preparedness has been awarded funds from Ohio Environmental Protection Agency (Ohio EPA), originating from the US Department of Homeland Security, for exercise and training services. This ordinance will authorize the acceptance of these funds and the appropriation of $50,000.00, for the period of June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025.
The BioWatch program has established a professional network of federal, state, and local public safety partners to support local public health bioterrorism preparedness. Since 2009, Columbus Public Health has coordinated the Columbus BioWatch program and maintained plans for this bioterrorism early detection program. Our primary purpose is to continue collaboration of a coordinated advisory council of local response agencies and provide them with situation awareness for biological threats and hazards. Additionally, we manage and promote bioterrorism preparedness throughout the cities of Columbus & Worthington and Franklin County.
Emergency action is requested in order to meet deliverables of the grant and not delay any exercise and training service programming from June 1, 2024 to May 31, 2025, and to avoid forfeiture of the grant.
FISCAL IMPACT: Columbus Public Health's Biowatch program will not generate revenue or require a city match. ($50,000.00)
To authorize and direct the Board of Health to accept Biowatch grant funds from Ohio EPA in the amount of $50,000.00; to authorize the appropriation of $50,000.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Health Department Grants Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($50,000.00)
WHEREAS, grant funds have been awarded to Columbus Public Health from the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency for the BioWatch grant program for the period of June 1, 2024 through May 31, 2025 and,
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the acceptance and appropriation of the funds for the support of the BioWatch grant pro...
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