File #: 2766-2020    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 11/20/2020 In control: Technology Committee
On agenda: 12/7/2020 Final action: 12/11/2020
Title: To authorize Department of Technology (DoT) to enter into contract with CDW Government, LLC for the purchase of software licensing, maintenance support and professional services for Rapid Identity Authentication in support of the city’s telework program; to waive the competitive bidding provisions of Columbus City Code; to authorize the expenditure of $94,737.40 from the Department of Technology, CARES Act Fund and the Department of Technology, Information Services Division, Information Services Operating Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($94,737.40)
Attachments: 1. 2766-2020 EXP, 2. City of Columbus - RI Authentication V2 - 11.05.20, 3. Ord. No. 2766-2020 Bid Waiver


This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Department of Technology (DoT) to enter into contract with CDW Government, LLC for the purchase of software licensing, maintenance support and professional services for Rapid Identity Authentication in support of the city’s telework program. Due to the spread of the coronavirus in the city, it has been necessary for DoT to expand its telework program, thus enabling a greater number of employees to work remotely. By entering into this contract the department can obtain Rapid Identity Authentication which will be used to provide licensing and implementation professional services to enhance security for remote telework in the form of multi factor authentication for 3000 users.  This will significantly increase the security of the City's remote workers and remote connectivity services.  The term of this contract will be from the date of a confirmed/certified purchase order from the City Auditor's Office through 12/16/2021.  This ordinance also authorizes the expenditure of $94,737.40 in CARES Act dollars and funding from the Information Services Operating Fund. 


The Department of Technology requests to waive the provisions of competitive bidding due to the urgency created by the spread of COVID-19 and the need of immediate usage of CARES Act Funding and Department of Technology, Information Services Division, Information Services Operating Funds associated with the City of Columbus remote worker/telework solution Rapid Identity Authentication.




Emergency action is requested on this ordinance so that this ordinance will be effective immediately and the requested software licensing, maintenance support and professional services for Rapid Identity Authentication can be procured in a timely manner due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.




This ordinance expends $94,737.40 in CARES Act funding and Department of Technology, Information Services Division, Information Services Operating Fund for the abovementioned software licensing, maintenance support and professional services for Rapid Identity Authentication in support of the city’s telework program as required due to the COVID-19 Pandemic.




Vendor Name:  CDW Government, LLC 

C.C#/F.I/D. #: 36-4230110 

Expiration Date: 02/12/2022

DAX Vendor Acct. #: 007352




To authorize Department of Technology (DoT) to enter into contract with CDW Government, LLC for the purchase of software licensing, maintenance support and professional services for Rapid Identity Authentication in support of the city’s telework program; to waive the competitive bidding provisions of Columbus City Code; to authorize the expenditure of $94,737.40 from the Department of Technology, CARES Act Fund and the Department of Technology, Information Services Division, Information Services Operating Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($94,737.40)



WHEREAS, the Covid-19 pandemic has resulted in many city employees to work remotely; and


WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the Director of the Department of Technology (DoT) to enter into contract with CDW Government, LLC for the purchase of software licensing, maintenance support and professional services for Rapid Identity Authentication in support of the city’s telework program.  The term of this contract will be from the date of a confirmed/certified purchase order from the City Auditor's Office through 12/16/2021; and


WHEREAS, due to the spread of the coronavirus in the City, it has been necessary for DoT to expand its telework program, thus enabling a greater number of employees to work remotely. By entering into this contract the department can obtain Rapid Identity Authentication which will be used to provide licensing and implementation/professional services to enhance security for remote telework in the form of multi factor authentication for 3000 users; This will significantly increase the security of the City's remote workers and remote connectivity services; and 


WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the expenditure of $94,737.40 in CARES Act funding to purchase software licensing, maintenance support and professional services for Rapid Identity Authentication in support of the city’s telework program from CDW Government, LLC is necessary to address the need for many city employees to work remotely caused by the COVID-19 public health emergency; and


WHEREAS, such expenditure of funds has not been previously accounted for in the 2020 Budget; and


WHEREAS, to allow the above-mentioned contract, it is necessary to waive the provisions of the Columbus City Code competitive bidding requirements due to the urgency created by the spread of COVID-19 and the need of immediate usage of CARES Act Funding associated with the City of Columbus remote worker/telework solution Rapid Identity Authentication; and


WHEREAS, an emergency exists in the Department of Technology in that it is immediately necessary to authorize the Director to enter into contract for the purchase of software licensing, maintenance support and professional services with CDW Government, LLC for Rapid Identity Authentication in support of the city’s telework program for city employees working remotely due to COVID-19 so software licensing and services can be procured in a timely manner, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare;






SECTION 1. That the Director of the Department of Technology is hereby authorized to enter into contract with CDW Government, LLC to obtain software licensing, maintenance support and professional services for Rapid Identity Authentication in support of the city’s telework program at a total cost of $94,737.40 with CARES Act Funds with the term to be from the date of a certified/confirmed purchase order by the City Auditor’s Office through 12/16/2021.  This will significantly increase the security of the City's remote workers and remote connectivity services.  


SECTION 2. That CARES Act Funds shall be used to procure software licensing, maintenance support and professional services for Rapid Identity Authentication in support of the city’s telework program from CDW Government, LLC for city employees that are working remotely in an effort to mitigate the spread of COVID-19, consistent with the intent of the CARES Act Funding.


SECTION 3. That the expenditure of $94,737.40 or so much thereof as may be necessary, is hereby authorized as provided on the attachment to this ordinance. (see attachment 2766-2020 EXP).


SECTION 4. That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.


SECTION 5. That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.


SECTION 6.  That this Council finds it is in the City's best interest to waive the competitive bidding provisions of City Code for the above-mentioned purposes.


SECTION 7. That for the reasons stated in the preamble hereto, which is hereby made a part hereof, this ordinance is hereby declared to be an emergency measure and shall take effect and be in force from and after its passage and approval by the Mayor, or ten days after passage if the Mayor neither approves nor vetoes the same.