File #: 2887-2020    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 12/2/2020 In control: Housing Committee
On agenda: 12/14/2020 Final action: 12/17/2020
Title: To authorize the transfer of $37,897.31 in the Housing Preservation Bond fund from the Division of Administration to the Division of Housing; to authorize the appropriation of $72,008.56 in the Housing Preservation Bond fund; to authorize the expenditure of up to $197,754.00 from the Housing Preservation bond fund; to authorize the Director of Development to renew a contract with American Mechanical Group, Inc. for an additional year to provide residential emergency repair services as part of the Division of Housing’s Emergency Repair Program in an amount up to $197,754.00; and to declare an emergency. ($197,754.00)
Attachments: 1. ORD 2887-2020 2020-12-02 Housing American Mechanical Renewal Bond 2
This legislation authorizes the Director of the Department of Development to renew a contract with American Mechanical Group, Inc. for an additional year to provide residential emergency repair services as part of the Division of Housing’s Emergency Repair Program.

Original contract amount $ 45,000.00 PO205754
Modification No. 1 amount $225,000.00 Ord. 0509-2020 PO220239
Renewal No. 1 amount $197,754.00
Total contract amount $467,754.00

The purpose of the Emergency Repair Program is to repair items of an emergency nature that would impact a household remaining safely in their home. American Mechanical Group, Inc. provides heating, hot water, plumbing, sewer and electrical services. Most homeowners are at or below 50% AMI with exceptions allow up to 80% AMI.

The Department of Development advertised RFQ014201on Vendor Services in November 2019 for the Emergency Repair program. Three bids were received and the Director of Development entered into contract with three bidders under the authority of Columbus City Code Section 329.19. For the original contract, the contract period is from the date of approval of the purchase order to December 31, 2020, with an option to renew one additional year, through 2021. Advertising for services annually would interrupt the program and possibly result a delay in providing these services. The fee for services in the contract renewal will be the same as that of the original contract.

In March 2020, Columbus City Council approved ordinance 0509-2020 to modify the contract to add additional funds. The contract term did not change.

This legislation will extend the contract an additional year, ending December 31, 2021.

Emergency action is requested in order to continue to services without interruption.

FISCAL IMPACT: In project P782001-100000: the sum of $37,897.32 (already appropriated) will be transferred in fund 7782 from Division 4401 to 4410; cash in the amount of $72,008.56 will be app...

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