File #: 2926-2020    Version: 1
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 12/8/2020 In control: Housing Committee
On agenda: 12/14/2020 Final action: 12/17/2020
Title: To authorize the appropriation and expenditure of $215,000.00 of 2021 HOME funds; to authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into two contracts with the Community Development Collaborative of Greater Columbus to provide administrative and CHDO operating support in amount up to $215,000.00, with the contract term for each contract starting January 1, 2021; and to declare an emergency. ($215,000.00)
Attachments: 1. ORD2926-2020 2020-12-07 Housing 2021 CD Collab + 2021 CHDO operating
BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Development to enter into two contracts with the Community Development Collaborative of Greater Columbus (Collaborative) to administer the City’s CHDO operating funds in an amount up to $215,000.00 using 2021 HOME funds with the contract term starting January 1, 2021.

The City is a participating jurisdiction receiving federal funds under the HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD). The regulations of the program provide that up to five percent of the annual allocation may be granted to Community Housing Development Organizations (CHDOs) to pay operating costs of the agencies. CHDOs are nonprofit organizations that work in neighborhoods to develop affordable housing through rehabilitation of existing housing stock and new in-fill construction.

The department partners with the Collaborative to manage the CHDO program and does so under two contracts. Under one contract ($45,000.00), the Collaborative will serve in the role as a funding intermediary, facilitator of training, and builder of organizational capacity. These funds leverage additional public and private funds for operating support of CHDOs. The City and the Collaborative have collectively developed a process for distribution of the funds. Under the other contract ($170,000.00), the Collaborative will distribute the funds to eligible CHDOs.

Historically, the City’s CHDO operating budget has been greater than $170,000.00 annually (the amount fluctuates each year) and the department had sought authority to appropriate and expend the funds after the grant has been executed. Starting with the 2019 grant, the department has sought approval to appropriate and expend a portion of the grant before the grant agreement is executed and then execute a planned, contract modification for the remaining amount after the grant amount is known (usually mid-year).

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