Council Variance Application: CV22-147
APPLICANT: Justin Frye; 3561 Mountview Road; Columbus, OH 43221.
PROPOSED USE: Conform existing four-unit dwelling.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The requested variance will conform an existing four-unit dwelling in the R-3, Residential District. The site is within the planning area of the Near Southside Plan (2011), which recommends “Medium Density Mixed Residential” land uses at this location. Additionally, the Plan includes early adoption of the Columbus Citywide Planning Policies (C2P2) Design Guidelines (2018). The dwelling has been long established on this lot, and is consistent with the residential uses that are prevalent in the surrounding neighborhood. A hardship exists because the non-conforming nature of the site precludes financing options and prevents the owners from further improving the property. Approval of this request will not add a new or incompatible use to the area.
To grant a Variance from the provisions of Section 3332.035, R-3 residential district, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 709-715 MILLER AVE. (43205), to conform an existing four-unit dwelling in the R-3, Residential District (Council Variance #CV22-147).
WHEREAS, by application #CV22-147, the owner of the property at 709-715 MILLER AVE. (43205) is requesting a Council variance to conform an existing four-unit dwelling in the R-3, Residential District; and
WHEREAS, Section 3332.035, R-3 residential district, only permits single-unit dwellings, while the applicant proposes to conform the existing four-unit dwelling; and
WHEREAS, the Livingston Avenue Area Commission recommends approval; and
WHEREAS, City Departments recommend approval because this request will not add a new or incompatible use to the area. The requested variance will conform an existing four-unit dwelling in the R-3, Residential Distric...
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