Council Variance Application: CV23-005
APPLICANT: CV Real Properties, LLC; c/o Jon Stevenson; 250 West Town Street, Suite 200; Columbus, OH 43215.
PROPOSED USE: Single-unit residential development.
CITY DEPARTMENTS' RECOMMENDATION: Approval. The applicant has received a recommendation of approval from Staff and the Development Commission for a concurrent rezoning (Ordinance #2516-2023; Z23-001) from the C-4, Commercial and P-1, Private Parking districts, to R-4, Residential District to allow three single-unit dwellings on three existing lots. The requested variance will reduce the building setback line along Frebis Avenue from 25 feet to 22 feet. Garage access will be behind the dwellings consistent with Columbus Citywide Planning Policies (C2P2) Design Guidelines (2018).
To grant a Variance from the provisions of Section 3332.21, Building lines, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 601 FREBIS AVE. (43207), to allow a reduced building line for single-unit dwellings in the R-4, Residential District (Council Variance #CV23-005).
WHEREAS, by application #CV23-005, the owner of property at 601 FREBIS AVE. (43207), is requesting a Council variance to allow a reduced building line for single-unit dwellings in the R-4, Residential District; and
WHEREAS, Section 3332.21, Building lines, requires a minimum setback of 25 feet from Frebis Avenue, while the applicant proposes a reduced setback of 22± feet; and
WHEREAS, the Columbus South Side Area Commission recommends approval; and
WHEREAS, the City Departments recommend approval because the requested variance is similar to previously supported requests, and allow a site design consistent with C2P2 Design Guidelines; and
WHEREAS, this ordinance requires separate submission for all applicable permits and Certificates of Occupancy for the proposed dwellings; and
WHEREAS, said variance will not adversel...
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