Background: This ordinance authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter contract with Woolpert, Inc. for Geographic Information System (GIS) professional services. The contract amount being authorized by this ordinance is $150,000.00.
This legislation allows the consultant to help with continued development of the City of Columbus’ GIS system, including its associated applications and datasets. Specific tasks include migrating legacy scripts to Python 3; migrating ArcGIS Desktop 10.x Data Reviewer rule set to ArcGIS Pro 3.x; support for the Climate Action Plan and Sustainability Team; web mapping and application creation and support; second tier support for the Hydrant Web, Water Valve, and Watershed Management applications; and other task-based on-site staff support. The original contract associated with PO415023 for Geographic Information System (GIS) professional services expired on October 06, 2024, leaving $150,000.00 remaining. If unforeseen issues or difficulties are encountered that would require additional funding, a modification would be required.
The term of this contract is established for one-year with two one-year renewal options. For each year of the contract, funding is contingent on availability within the budget, mutual agreement between the parties, approval of City Council, and certification of funds by the City Auditor.
Minority and Woman Owned Business Enterprise & Small Local Business Enterprise Program:
This contract opportunity was submitted to the City’s Office of Diversity and Inclusion (ODI) for review and assignment of an MBE/WBE goal prior to bidding. After review of the utilization plan and other related information the contractors submitted, ODI approved an MBE/WBE Program goal of 5% for this contract.
Principal Parties:
Woolpert, Inc.
1 Easton Oval, Suite 400
Columbus, Ohio 43219
Brian Stevens, (614) 476-6000
Contract Compliance Number: 001040
Contract Compliance Expiration Date: 04/17/2025
CAD Concepts, Inc. DBA CCI Engineering
2323 West 5th Ave. Suite 120
Columbus, Ohio 43204
MWBE Certification Status: WBE
MWBE Certification Expiration Date: 01/05/2025
Fiscal Impact: No fiscal action is required at this time. As of now, $150,000.00 is available on PO415023 to meet the financial obligations of this contract. The Department is seeking authorization to use the remaining funds on PO415023 to pay for the costs of the contract.
$00.00 was spent in 2023
$00.00 was spent in 2022
To authorize the Director of the Department of Public Utilities to enter into contract with Woolpert, Inc. for Geographic Information System (GIS) professional services for an amount not to exceed $150,000.00; to authorize the use of remaining funds of $150,000.00 on PO415023 to pay for the costs of the contract; and to waive the competitive bidding provisions of Columbus City Code. ($0.00)
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the Director of the Department of Public Utilities to enter into a contract with Woolpert, Inc. for Geographic Information System (GIS) professional services; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the Director of the Department of Public Utilities to use the remaining funds on PO415023; and
WHEREAS, due to the expected costs and project delays associated with restarting the GIS professional services bidding process, it is in the best interest of the City to waive the provisions of competitive bidding in Chapter 329 of the Columbus City Codes and enter into a contract with Woolpert, Inc.Geographic Information System (GIS) professional services; and
WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the usual daily operations of the Department of Public Utilities in that it is necessary to authorize the Director to enter into contract with Woolpert, Inc. for Geographic Information System (GIS) professional services; NOW, THEREFORE
SECTION 1. That the Director of the Department of Public Utilities be and is hereby authorized to enter into a service contract not to exceed $150,00.00 with Woolpert, Inc. in accordance with such other terms and conditions of the agreement on file for Geographic Information System (GIS) professional services through November 30, 2025.
SECTION 2. That the Director of the Department of Public Utilities be and is hereby authorized to use the funds associated with PO415023, originally set up for Geographic Information System (GIS) professional services.
SECTION 3. That this Council finds it in the best interest of the City to waive the competitive bidding provisions of Chapter 329 of the Columbus City Codes for the contract withWoolpert, Inc. and does hereby waive the same.
SECTION 4. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.