File #: 2859-2024    Version:
Type: Ordinance Status: Passed
File created: 10/15/2024 In control: Housing, Homelessness, & Building Committee
On agenda: 11/25/2024 Final action: 11/27/2024
Title: To agree to an adjustment to the City’s boundaries by consenting to transfer approximately 12.47+/- acres from the City of Columbus to the City of Upper Arlington.
Attachments: 1. 2859-2024 BA24-002 (Upper Arlington) Briefing Sheet, 2. 2859-2024 BA24-002 Legal, 3. 2859-2024 BA24-002 Plat


A boundary adjustment between the City of Columbus and the City of Upper Arlington has been proposed. The site is right-of-way along the Henderson Rd corridor from roughly Moreland Drive West to the east, to just beyond Chevy Chase Court to the west. The proposed adjustment moves the City of Columbus corporate boundary northward along Henderson Road. The transfer will place the entirety of the right-of-way within the City of Upper Arlington.

This legislation is being filed in response to the provisions of the Ohio Revised Code - section 709.37 regarding municipal boundary adjustments. Parallel legislation is anticipated by the City of Upper Arlington City Council. Columbus approval will allow the adjustment proposal to be submitted to Franklin County for finalization.

Fiscal Impact:



To agree to an adjustment to the City’s boundaries by consenting to transfer approximately 12.47+/- acres from the City of Columbus to the City of Upper Arlington.


WHEREAS, 12.47+/- acres of territory from roughly Moreland Drive West to the east, to just beyond Chevy Chase Court to the west, is located within the City of Columbus and is adjacent to territory within the City of Upper Arlington; and

WHEREAS, it is in the best interest of all parties if the boundaries of the two communities reflect the proposed adjustment; and

WHEREAS, it is the desire of the City of Columbus to transfer the subject area to the City of Upper Arlington which desires to accept said transfer; and

WHEREAS, the proposed transfer does not involve the transfer of territory inhabited by more than five voters; now, therefore,


Section 1. That in accordance with Section 709.37 of the Ohio Revised Code, the City of Columbus hereby agrees to transfer to the City of Whitehall Upper Arlington the land described as follows:

Situated in the State of Ohio, County of Franklin, City of Columbus, being par...

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