Transfer Type: D1, D3, D3A, D6
To: Meister & Allen Ltd
& Patio
3582 Trabue Rd
Columbus OH 43204
From: GEC Tavern LLC
DBA Trabue Tavern
& Patio
3582 Trabue Rd
Columbus OH 43204
Permit# 5817144
New Type: D1, D2
To: Joann Stores LLC
DBA Joann
1265 Polaris Pkwy
Columbus OH 43240
Permit# 0573427
New Type: D3
To: CD Man Clubhouse Inc
1471 E Livingston Ave
Columbus OH 43205
Permit# 1347772
Transfer Type: D5, D6
To: Bernie Lomax LLC
DBA Yogis Bar & Grill
1126 W Henderson Rd & Patio
Columbus OH 43220
From: 4545 Kenny Inc
DBA Average Joes Pub & Grill
1126 W Henderson Rd & Patio
Columbus OH 43220
Permit# 0649355
Stock Type: D5, D6
To: Fernando Lara Inc
& Outdoor Storage
& Patio
1620 Georgesville Square Dr
Columbus OH 43228
Permit# 26907050001
Transfer Type: D5, D6
To: 1439 Alch LLC
1439 Grandview Ave
Columbus OH 43212
From: Red Brick Partners LLC
1st Fl & Bsmt
143 E Main St & Patio
Columbus OH 43215
Permit# 6547344
TREX Type: D1, D2
To | Read and Filed | |
Action details
| 1 | 2 | Ceremonial Resolution | To Recognize and Celebrate Thursday, February 14th, 2019 as Ohio Loves Transit Day in the City of Columbus | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 3 | Ceremonial Resolution | To thank the members of the Alpha Rho Lambda Chapter of the Alpha Phi Alpha Fraternity Incorporated for their ongoing commitment to instilling character, responsibility, and leadership into the young men of this community through the Project Alpha program. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | 4 | Ceremonial Resolution | To support Edith Espinal, Miriam Vargas, and their families as welcomed residents of the City of Columbus | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | FR-1 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into various contracts for the purchase of equipment and improvement services for the Recreation and Parks Department; to authorize the expenditure of $50,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund; to authorize the transfer of $48,339.24 between projects within the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund; to authorize the appropriation of $48,339.24 within the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund; to amend the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget; and to establish an auditor's certificate in the amount of $50,000.00 for the purchase of various equipment. ($50,000.00) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-2 | Ordinance | To authorize and direct the Director of Recreation and Parks to apply for and accept a grant from and enter into a grant agreement with the Franklin County Board of Commissioners, dba Franklin County Senior Options, in the amount of $12,783.00 for the 50+ Fitness Programs; and to authorize an appropriation of $12,783.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Recreation and Parks Grant Fund. ($12,783.00) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-3 | Ordinance | To authorize and direct the City Auditor to set up a certificate in the amount of $125,000.00 for various expenditures for labor, materials, and equipment in conjunction with Recreation and Parks facility improvements; to amend the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget; and to authorize the expenditure of $125,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund. ($125,000.00) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-4 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into an Enterprise Zone Agreement with Abbott Laboratories and Abbott Manufacturing Inc. for a tax abatement of seventy-five percent (75%) for a period of ten (10) consecutive years in consideration of a total proposed capital investment of approximately $62,000,000.00, the retention of 428 full-time jobs and the creation of 38 net new full-time permanent positions with an estimated annual payroll of approximately $2,315,000.00. | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-5 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into a dual-rate Jobs Growth Incentive Agreement with Filtra-Systems Company LLC for a term of up to five (5) consecutive years in consideration of the company’s proposed capital investment of $590,000.00 and creation of 10 new full-time permanent positions with an estimated annual payroll of approximately $600,000.00. | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-6 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into a Downtown Office Incentive Agreement with Radiology Partners Management, LLC for a term of up to five (5) consecutive years in consideration of the company’s proposed capital investment of $150,000.00, the retention of 51 full-time jobs and the creation of 60 net new full-time permanent positions with an estimated annual payroll of approximately $4.2 million. | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-7 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into a dual-rate Jobs Growth Incentive Agreement with Vantage Point Logistics, Inc. for a term of up to five (5) consecutive years in consideration of the company’s proposed capital investment of $275,000.00, the retention of 30 jobs and the creation of 70 net new full-time permanent positions with an estimated annual payroll of approximately $4.2 million. | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-8 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into an Enterprise Zone Agreement with Cloverleaf Cold Storage Co., LLC and CCS Realty Property Owner LLC for a property tax abatement of sixty-five percent (65%) for a period of ten (10) consecutive years in consideration of a proposed total investment of approximately $4,200,000.00 in construction and real property improvements, an expansion of their cold storage facility consisting of approximately 46,458 sq. ft. +/-, retention of 31 full-time jobs and the creation of 5 net new full-time permanent positions. | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-9 | Ordinance | To authorize the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges, through the Administrative and Presiding Judge, to contract with the Franklin County Commissioners to provide legal counsel to indigent defendants in the Franklin County Municipal Court when the public defender has a conflict of interest; to authorize the expenditure of up to an amount not to exceed $50,000.00 from the Court's general fund. ($50,000.00) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-10 | Ordinance | To authorize the appropriation of $100,000.00 for 2019 from the unappropriated balance of the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges' assisted civil self-help fund. ($100,000.00) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-11 | Ordinance | To authorize and direct the City Auditor to transfer $340,000.00 from the general fund to the specialty docket program for the Franklin County Municipal Court. ($340,000.00) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-12 | Ordinance | To authorize the Finance and Management Director to associate all General Budget Reservations resulting from this ordinance with the appropriate Universal Term Contract Purchase Agreements for Lawn Mowing Services for the Division of Water and the Division of Sewerage and Drainage; and to authorize the expenditure of $250,100.00 from the Water Operating Fund and $325,000.00 from the Sewerage Operating Fund. ($575,100.00) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-13 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into an agreement with GS-OH, Inc. for environmental management system support and support in maintaining conformity with the ISO 14001:2015 standard, preparing for third-party audits (surveillance and re-certification), preparing and/or conducting environmental training, and providing general support for assessing and ensuring environmental regulatory compliance with applicable environmental laws and regulations for the Department of Public Utilities, to authorize the expenditure of $10,980.00 from the Power Operating Fund, $69,840.00 from the Water Operating Fund, $78,300.00 from the Sewerage System Operating Fund and $20,880.00 from the Stormwater Operating Fund ($180,000.00). | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-14 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew an existing engineering agreement with Hazen and Sawyer for the Sewer Collection System - Overall Engineering Consultant (OEC) Services Agreement; to authorize the transfer within and the expenditure of up to $300,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund; and to amend the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget. ($300,000.00) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-15 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into contract with the Operator Training Committee of Ohio, for utility operations and maintenance training, in accordance with the sole source provisions of the Columbus City Code for the Department of Public Utilities; and to authorize the expenditure of $4,270.00 from the Electricity Operating Fund, $27,160.00 from the Water Systems Operating Fund, $30,450.00 from the Sewerage System Operating Fund and $8,120.00 from the Storm Sewer Operating Fund. ($70,000.00) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-16 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into an engineering agreement with Burgess & Niple, Inc., for the JPWWTP Screening Improvements Project; to authorize the transfer within and the expenditure of up to $787,950.00 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund; and to amend the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget. ($787,950.00) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-17 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract with Facemyer Landscaping, LLC for the Summit View Detention Basin Improvements Project; to authorize the appropriation and transfer of $519,117.18 from the Storm Sewer Reserve Fund to the Ohio Water Development (OWDA) Loan Fund; and to authorize the expenditure of $519,117.18 from the Ohio Water Development (OWDA) Loan Fund. ($519,117.18) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-18 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into planned renewal of the 2017 - 2019 General Engineering Services - Water Distribution Group agreements with HDR Engineering, Inc. and ms consultants, inc.; for the Division of Water; and to authorize an expenditure up to $500,000.00 within the Water G.O. Voted Bonds Fund. ($500,000.00) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-19 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew its contract with K&M Kleening Service, Inc. to provide Janitorial Services for various facilities of the Department of Public Utilities; and to authorize the expenditure of $260,000.00 from the Sewer System Operating Fund. ($260,000.00) | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | FR-20 | Ordinance | To amend Section 919.13 of the City Code to grant the Director of Recreation and Parks the authority to allow for the sale, service and/or consumption of alcoholic beverages at Franklin Park when used as an event venue. | Read for the First Time | |
Action details
| 1 | CA-1 | Ceremonial Resolution | To Honor and Celebrate Pastor Dale D. Tucker, Sr. on his 2nd Pastoral Anniversary at Triedstone Missionary Baptist Church | Adopted | |
Action details
| 1 | CA-2 | Ceremonial Resolution | To Recognize and Honor John Robinson, owner of Johnny Velo Bikes, LLC, as the 2019 Celebrate Clintonville’s Business Person of the Year | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-3 | Ceremonial Resolution | To Recognize and Honor Moo Moo Express Car Wash as the 2019 Celebrate Clintonville’s Business of the Year | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-4 | Ceremonial Resolution | To Recognize and Honor Mark and Carina Carter as the 2019 Celebrate Clintonville’s ThisWeek Booster Community Volunteers of the Year | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-5 | Ceremonial Resolution | To commemorate Columbus City Council’s 2019 Black History Program by honoring and celebrating the lifetime achievements and contributions of Mrs. Catherine T. Willis as a transformational leader in the field of education. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-6 | Ceremonial Resolution | To commemorate Columbus City Council’s 2019 Black History Program by honoring and celebrating the lifetime achievements and contributions of Mr. Lewis Smoot as a transformational leader in the business sector. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-7 | Ceremonial Resolution | To commemorate Columbus City Council’s 2019 Black History Program by honoring and celebrating the lifetime achievements and contributions of Queen Brooks as a transformational leader in the area of Arts & Entertainment. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-8 | Ceremonial Resolution | To commemorate Columbus City Council’s 2019 Black History Program by honoring and celebrating the lifetime achievements, contributions and transformational Faith Leadership of Reverend Leon L. Troy, Sr. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-9 | Ceremonial Resolution | To commemorate Columbus City Council’s 2019 Black History Program by honoring and celebrating the lifetime achievements, contributions and transformational Leadership of James Preston Poindexter in Public Service. | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-10 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Finance and Management to contract with the Greater Columbus Arts Council for support of the Greater Columbus Film Commission; and to authorize the expenditure of $150,000.00 from the General Fund. ($150,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-11 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Finance and Management to enter into contract with the Greater Columbus Arts Council for support of the Columbus Music Commission; and to authorize the expenditure of $50,000.00 from the General Fund. ($50,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-12 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Finance and Management to establish contracts and purchase orders for the payment of annual membership dues and subscriptions for various organizations; and to authorize the expenditure of $100,000.00 from the General Fund. ($100,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-13 | Ordinance | To authorize and direct the Finance and Management Director to issue purchase orders up to $100,000.00 for Body Armor & Tactical Gear with Vance Outdoors Inc. for the Department of Public Safety from an existing Cooperative State of Ohio Contract established for such purpose by the State of Ohio, Department of Administrative Services Purchasing Office; and to declare an emergency. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-14 | Ordinance | To authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a Universal Term Contract for the option to purchase the Rental and Maintenance of Portable Toilets from Pro Kleen Industrial Services Inc; to authorize the expenditure of $1.00 from General Budget Reservation BRPO000978; and to declare an emergency. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-15 | Ordinance | To authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a Universal Term Contract for the option to purchase School Speed Limit Sign supports with General Supply & Services, Inc.; to authorize the expenditure of $1.00 from General Budget Reservation BRPO000978; and to declare an emergency. ($1.00). | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-16 | Ordinance | To authorize the appropriation and transfer of $221,000.00 from the Hotel/Motel Tax Fund to the Recreation and Parks Operating Fund for the support of various annual special event programming; to appropriate $221,000.00 in the Recreation and Parks Operating Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($221,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-17 | Ordinance | To authorize the expenditure of $40,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund; to authorize the Director of Finance and Management to associate all General Budget Reservations resulting from this ordinance with the appropriate UTC Purchase Agreements for fitness equipment; to establish an auditor's certificate in the amount of $40,000.00 for the purchase of various fitness equipment; to authorize the transfer of $41,660.76 between projects within the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund; to amend the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget; and to declare an emergency. ($40,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-18 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to sign the LPA Federal Local-Let Project Agreement with the Ohio Department of Transportation to construct an extension to the Olentangy Trail, from Worthington Hills Park to Olentangy River Road at Clubhouse Drive; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-19 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Recreation and Parks Department to apply for grant funding from the Ohio Public Works Commission to acquire properties along the Scioto River and Dysart Run, and to provide the necessary match funds; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-20 | Ordinance | To authorize and direct the Director of Education to enter into contracts with various non-profit organizations to provide after-school programs and services; to authorize the expenditure of $354,000.00 from the general fund; and to declare an emergency. ($354,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-21 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Education to enter into contract with FutureReady Columbus for activities related to the achievement of the Mayor’s goal that every 4-year-old in Columbus has access to a high-quality prekindergarten education; to authorize the expenditure of four hundred thousand dollars ($400,000.00) from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($400,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-22 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Safety to enter into an agreement with the Ohio Traffic Safety Office, State of Ohio, to participate in the FFY 2019 Drug Recognition Expert (DRE) Regional Coordinator Grant; to authorize an appropriation of $53,009.97 from the unappropriated balance of the General Government Grant Fund to the Division of Police to cover the costs associated with this grant; and to declare an emergency. ($53,009.97). | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-23 | Ordinance | To authorize and direct the Director of Public Safety to renew the contract with LexisNexis Risk Solutions FL Inc., in accordance with the provisions of sole source procurement; to authorize the expenditure of $130,225.00 from the Law Enforcement Contraband Seizure Fund; and to declare an emergency ($130,225.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-24 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Public Safety to enter into a contract with Columbus Humane to perform animal cruelty investigations; to authorize the expenditure of $225,000.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($225,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-25 | Ordinance | To authorize and direct the Finance and Management Director to associate all General Budget Reservations resulting from this ordinance with the appropriate Universal Term Contract Purchase Agreement(s) with both BoundTree Medical LLC and with Midwest Medical Supply Co. LLC for the purchase of EMS pharmaceuticals and miscellaneous medical supplies for the Division of Fire; to authorize the expenditure of $700,000.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($700,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-26 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Safety to enter into a contract in accordance with the existing Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with Columbus State Community College for the awarding of college credit to Columbus Division of Fire personnel who have received and completed training from the Division's Training Academy; to authorize the expenditure of $86,940.00 from the general fund; and to declare an emergency. ($86,940.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-27 | Ordinance | To authorize the Finance and Management Director to issue a purchase order for wireless data communication and cellular services and devices for the Department of Public Safety, Division of Support Services, from an existing Cooperative State of Ohio Term Contract established for such purpose by the State of Ohio Department of Administrative Services Purchasing Office with Cellco Partnership, dba Verizon Wireless; to authorize the expenditure of $532,000.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($532,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-28 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Safety to enter into an agreement with the Ohio Traffic Safety Office, State of Ohio, and to accept a grant award to participate in the Drugged Driving Enforcement Program - FFY19; to authorize an appropriation of $15,163.52 from the unappropriated balance of the General Government Grant Fund to the Division of Police to cover the costs associated with this project; and to declare an emergency. ($15,163.52). | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-29 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Safety, on behalf of the Division of Support Services, to enter into a contract with Day Funeral Services for processing of indigent cremations; to authorize the expenditure of $100,000.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency ($100,000.00). | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-30 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Safety to enter into an Intergovernmental Agreement with Franklin County for the receipt of wireless 9-1-1 Government Assistance Funds; and to declare an emergency. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-31 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Public Safety to enter into contract with Community Crime Patrol, Inc. to provide citizen patrollers to assist the Division of Police in the control and prevention of crime in The Ohio State University District, South Clintonville, Hilltop, Franklinton, Merion Village Area, Olde Towne East/Franklin Park, and the Northland/North Linden Area; to authorize the expenditure of $375,000.00 from the general fund; and to declare an emergency. ($375,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-32 | Resolution | To declare the City’s necessity and intent to appropriate and accept certain fee simple title and lesser real estate in order to complete the Roadway Improvements - Creative Campus Phase II project; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00) | Adopted | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-33 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Public Service to execute those documents necessary to transfer a 0.022 acre portion of the unnamed east/west right-of-way east of North Jones Avenue between Scott Street and West Gay Street to E Corp Land Holdings, LLC. ($0.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-34 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Public Service to execute those documents necessary to transfer a 0.005 acre portion of the unnamed North/South Right-of-Way East of Hamilton Avenue and North of Grove Street to Gregory and Sincear Fountain. ($0.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-35 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Public Service to execute those documents necessary for the City to grant an aerial encroachment easement to Ohio State University over the alley east of Neil Avenue running between Tenth Avenue and Eleventh Avenue for the new College of Optometry Building. ($0.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-36 | Ordinance | To amend the 2018 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer funds between projects within the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund; to authorize the City Attorney's Office to contract for professional services to acquire right-of-way needed for the UIRF-Agler Road Sidewalks project; to authorize the City Attorney's Office to negotiate with property owners to acquire the additional rights-of-way necessary to complete this project; to authorize the expenditure of up to $25,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($25,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-37 | Ordinance | To dedicate three parcels of land owned by the City of Columbus totaling 0.073 acres as road right-of-way as part of the Roadway Improvements-Main Library project; to name said public right-of-way as Library Park North; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-38 | Ordinance | To amend the 2018 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the establishment of a right-of-way acquisition contingency fund to be used for Urban Infrastructure Recovery Fund projects; to authorize the City Attorney's Office to expend up to $100,000.00 from the Streets and Highways Bonds Fund for these miscellaneous acquisitions; and to declare an emergency. ($100,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-39 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Service to modify an existing service contract with Woolpert, Inc., to allow for the provision of additional professional services through December 31, 2019; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-40 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Service to establish a purchase order with the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio (SWACO) for landfill use by the Division of Infrastructure Management and the Division of Traffic Management; to authorize the expenditure of $365,000.00 or so much thereof as may be needed from the Street Construction, Maintenance, and Repair Fund (Fund 2265); and to declare an emergency. ($365,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-41 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Development, on behalf of the City of Columbus, to execute the Amended and Restated Madison Township Joint Economic Development District Contract; and to declare an emergency. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-42 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to renew a contract with Limbs and Leaves Landscaping Inc. to provide arborist services; to authorize the expenditure of $30,000.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($30,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-43 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to execute any and all necessary agreements and deeds for conveyance of title of one parcel of real property (1125 E 17th Ave.) held in the Land Bank pursuant to the Land Reutilization Program and to declare an emergency. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-44 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Development to execute any and all necessary agreements and deeds for conveyance of title of one parcel of real property (1771 Devonshire Rd.) held in the Land Bank pursuant to the Land Reutilization Program and to declare an emergency. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-45 | Ordinance | To authorize the appropriation of $50,000.00 for 2019 from the unappropriated balance of the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges dispute resolution fund for all anticipated expenses associated with the enhancement of small claim services; and to declare an emergency. ($50,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-46 | Ordinance | To authorize the appropriation of $20,000.00 for 2019 from the unappropriated balance of the Environmental Court fund to the Franklin County Municipal Court, for all anticipated expenses associated with the enhancement of the environmental court; and to declare an emergency. ($20,000.00). | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-47 | Ordinance | To authorize the appropriation of $550,000.00 from the indigent driver alcohol treatment fund to the Franklin County Municipal Court Judges, pursuant to the requirements of the Ohio Revised Code and funding the indigent driver alcohol treatment program; and to declare an emergency. ($550,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-48 | Ordinance | To authorize the appropriation of $250,000.00 in the Electronic Alcohol Monitoring fund to the Franklin County Municipal Court for funding of treatment services; and to declare an emergency. ($250,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-49 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Neighborhoods to enter into a grant agreement with St. Stephen’s Community House and approve the funding request of St. Stephen’s Community House seeking financial assistance to address an urgent community need by upgrading the organization’s boiler system; to authorize the appropriation and expenditure of up to $400,000.00 by the Director of Neighborhoods, and to declare an emergency. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-50 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Technology to continue an enterprise license agreement with Environmental Systems Research Institute, Inc. for software licensing, maintenance and support for the City’s geographic information systems; in accordance with the sole source provisions of Columbus City Code Chapter 329; and to authorize the expenditure of $270,000.00 from the Department of Technology, Information Services Division, Information Services Operating Fund. ($270,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-51 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Technology, on behalf of the Department of Public Safety, to enter into a contract with Motorola Solutions, Inc. for software maintenance and support services associated with the Division of Police’s PremierOne Records computerized crime data reporting system in accordance with sole source provisions of Columbus City Code; to authorize the expenditure of $284,426.00 from the Department of Technology, Information Services Operating Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($284,426.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-52 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew and increase the service agreement with Irth Solutions, LLC to supply, integrate and support a Ticket Management System for the Department of Public Utilities; and to authorize the expenditure of $1,824.51 from the Electricity Operating Fund, $11,605.08 from the Water Operating Fund, $13,010.85 from the Sewer System Operating Fund, $3,469.56 from the Stormwater Operating Fund ($29,910.00). | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-53 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a contract modification with The Herald, Inc. for printing services; to authorize the expenditure of $65,000.00 from the Water Operating Fund, $7,000.00 from the Electricity Operating Fund, $5,000.00 from the Storm Sewer Operating Fund, and $23,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Systems Operating Fund ($100,000.00). | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-54 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering services agreement with Resource International, Inc., for the Edsel Avenue Area Water Line Improvements Project; to authorize an expenditure up to $297,237.79 within the Water General Obligations Bonds Fund; for the Division of Water; and to amend the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget. ($297,237.79) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-55 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify and increase the contract for the purchase of wholesale electric power and ancillary services with American Municipal Power, Inc. for the Division of Power; and to authorize the expenditure of $628,800.00 from the Electricity Operating Fund. ($628,800.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-56 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering services agreement with Burgess & Niple, Inc., for the Hoover Reservoir Erosion Study; to authorize a transfer and expenditure up to $467,000.00 within the Water General Obligations Bonds Fund; for the Division of Water; and to amend the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget. ($467,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-57 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering services agreement with IBI Group, for the Mock Road Area Water Line Improvements Project; and to authorize an expenditure up to $240,521.91 within the Water General Obligations Bonds Fund; for the Division of Water. ($240,521.91) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-58 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a professional engineering services agreement with Strand Associates, Inc., for the Aragon Avenue Area Water Line Improvements Project; to authorize an expenditure up to $257,170.35 within the Water General Obligations Bonds Fund; for the Division of Water; and to amend the 2018 Capital Improvements Budget. ($257,170.35) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-59 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify the construction contract with Decker Construction Company for Utility Cut and Restoration Services for the Department of Public Utilities and to authorize the expenditure of $500,000.00 from the Water Operating Fund and $390,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund. ($890,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-60 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to execute a modification of the 2017 - 2019 Construction Administration and Inspection Services Agreement with DLZ Ohio, Inc., for the Division of Water’s Town Street Water Line Improvements Project; to authorize an expenditure up to $457,157.65 from the Water General Obligations Bond Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($457,157.65) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-61 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) to execute those document(s) necessary to release and terminate the City’s temporary easement rights described and recorded in Instrument Number 200908180121130, Recorder’s Office, Franklin County, Ohio, and to declare an emergency. ($0.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-62 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Public Utilities (DPU) to execute those document(s) necessary to release and terminate a portion of the City’s easement rights described and recorded in Official Record 0646, Page 061, Recorder’s Office, Delaware County, Ohio, and to declare an emergency. ($0.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-63 | Ordinance | To authorize the Board of Health to enter into a contract with OSU Internal Medicine, LLC, for physician services for the CPH Sexual Health Clinic for the period of February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2020; to authorize the expenditure of $65,562.00 from the Health Special Revenue Fund to pay the costs thereof; and to declare an emergency. ($65,562.00). | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-64 | Ordinance | To authorize the Board of Health to enter into a contract with Ohio Support Services Corp., for security officer services for the period March 1, 2019, to February 29, 2020; to authorize a total expenditure of $382,000.00 from the Health Special Revenue Fund for said contract; and to declare an emergency. ($382,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-65 | Ordinance | To authorize and direct the Board of Health to accept additional funding from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $36,147.00; to authorize the appropriation of $36,147.00 to the Health Department in the Health Department Grants Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($36,147.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-66 | Appointment | Appointment of Erick Bellomy, 935 Highbee Drive South, Columbus, Ohio 43207 to serve on the Far South Area Commission with a new term expiration date of June 30, 2021 (resume attached). | Read and Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-67 | Appointment | Reappointment of Pasquale C. Grado, 100 West Duncan Street, Columbus, OH 43202, to serve on the University Impact District Review Board (UIDRB) with a new term expiration date of January 31, 2022 (resume attached). | Read and Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-68 | Appointment | Reappointment of Stephen Papineau, 1179 Northwest Blvd., Columbus, OH 43212, to serve on the University Impact District Review Board (UIDRB) with a new term expiration date of January 31, 2022 (resume attached). | Read and Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | CA-69 | Appointment | Reappointment of Doreen Uhas-Sauer, 2111 Iuka Avenue, Columbus, OH 43201, to serve on the University Impact District Review Board (UIDRB) with a new term expiration date of January 31, 2022 (resume attached). | Read and Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-1 | Ordinance | To authorize the Finance and Management Director to contract with Experience Columbus for marketing services to increase tourism and convention business and strengthen the image of the City of Columbus, Ohio; and to authorize the expenditure of $10,472,000.00 from the Hotel/Motel Excise Tax Fund. ($10,472,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-2 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Finance and Management to enter into contract with the Greater Columbus Arts Council, Inc. for the purpose of fostering and sustaining arts and cultural services that enrich the Columbus community; and to authorize the expenditure of $7,142,000.00 from the Hotel/Motel Excise Tax Fund. ($7,142,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-3 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Safety to modify the current contract with Change Healthcare Practice Management Solutions, Inc. for EMS billing, collection, and reporting services for the Division of Fire; to authorize the expenditure of $2,025,000.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($2,025,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-4 | Ordinance | To authorize the Finance and Management Director, on behalf of the Fleet Management Division, to establish purchase orders from Universal Term Contracts with Statewide Ford Lincoln, Inc. for the purchase of two (2) Ford Explorers in support of the Rapid Response Emergency Addiction and Crisis Team (RREACT) program; to authorize an appropriation and expenditure of $65,884.00 within the Public Safety Initiatives sub-fund; and to declare an emergency. ($65,884.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-5 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Service to allow for the donation of gently used clothing items to various local nonprofit charitable organizations; and to waive relevant sections of Columbus City Code 329 relating to the sale of city-owned personal property. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-6 | Ordinance | To authorize the City’s Chief Innovation Officer to execute a contract modification with HNTB Ohio, Inc. relative to the Smart City Challenge; to authorize the expenditure of up to $2,500,000.00 from the Smart City Grant Fund to pay for the contract modification; and to declare an emergency. ($2,500,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-7 | Ordinance | To create the Kenny and Henderson Community Reinvestment Area and to authorize real property tax exemptions as established in Sections 3735.65 to 3735.70 of the Ohio Revised Code. | Taken from the Table | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | | Ordinance | To create the Kenny and Henderson Community Reinvestment Area and to authorize real property tax exemptions as established in Sections 3735.65 to 3735.70 of the Ohio Revised Code. | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-8 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of the Department of Development, or his designee, to execute any and all documents necessary for conveyance of title to the Central Ohio Community Land Trust; to enter into an agreement with the Central Ohio Community Land Trust to spend $3,800,000.00 to develop affordable housing. ($3,800,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-9 | Ordinance | To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract with Danbert, Inc. for the Town Street Water Line Improvements Project; to authorize an expenditure up to $1,723,697.89 within the Water General Obligation Voted Bonds Fund; to provide for payment of prevailing wage services to the Department of Public Service, Design and Construction Division; for the Division of Water; and to declare an emergency. ($1,723,697.89) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-10 | Ordinance | To authorize the Board of Health to modify an existing contract with Equitas Health to continue to provide a harm reduction program, called Safe Point, through December 31, 2019; to authorize the expenditure from the Health Department Special Revenue Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($350,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-11 | Ordinance | To authorize and direct the Board of Health to accept grant funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $4,727,019.00 for the Ryan White HIV Care Part A grant program; to authorize the appropriation of $4,727,019.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Health Department Grants Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($4,727,019.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-12 | Ordinance | To authorize and direct the Board of Health to accept a grant from the Central Ohio Hospital Council for the Ohio Better Birth Outcomes (OBBO) Collaboration grant program in the amount of $100,000.00; to authorize the appropriation of $100,000.00 to the Health Department in the Health Department’s Private Grants Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($100,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details
| 1 | SR-13 | Ordinance | To authorize the Board of Health and the Mayor’s CelebrateOne Program to accept a grant from Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services to implement a safe sleep campaign and neighborhood initiatives for CelebrateOne in the amount of $930,000.00; to authorize the appropriation of $680,000.00 to the Health Department in the Health Department Grants Fund and $250,000.00 to the Mayor’s Office in the General Government Grants Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($930,000.00) | Approved | Pass |
Action details