Meeting Name: Columbus City Council Agenda status: Final
Meeting date/time: 12/7/2020 5:00 PM Minutes status: Final  
Meeting location: City Council Chambers, Rm 231
Published agenda: Agenda Agenda Published minutes: Minutes Minutes  
File #Ver.Agenda #TypeTitleActionResultAction Details
C0019-2020 11CommunicationTHE CITY CLERK’S OFFICE RECEIVED THE FOLLOWING COMMUNICATIONS AS OF WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 2, 2020: Transfer Type: C1 C2 To: Maize Market Express DBA Maize Market 3310 Maize Rd Columbus OH 43224 From: TSKM LLC DBA Maize Market 3310 Maize Rd Columbus OH 43224 Permit# 5435211 Transfer Type: C1 C2 To: Ameen Marathon Inc Norton Marathon 385 Norton Rd Columbus OH 43228 From: Adam Marathon LLC 385 Norton Rd Columbus OH 43228 Permit# 0159820 New Type: D1 To: City Barbeque LLC DBA City Barbeque 6280 E Dublin Granville Rd & Patio Columbus OH 43081 Permit# 15087810140 Transfer Type: C1 C2 To: Chitrakut LLC DBA Super Food Mart 3166 N High St Columbus OH 43202 From: Wagadia LLC DBA Super Food Mart 3166 N High St Columbus OH 43202 Permit# 1414050 Transfer Type: C1 C2 To: Herbert Express Market Inc DBA Herbert Market Entire 1st Fl West/End Only 1121 Sullivant Ave Columbus OH 43223 From: Meat Eat Inc DBA Herbert Market Entire 1st Fl West/End Only 1121 Sullivant Ave Columbus OH 43223 Permit# 3639500 Stock Type: C1 To: 2466 Inc DBA Cassady MRead and Filed  Action details
0191X-2020 12Ceremonial ResolutionTo recognize the contributions of Steve Lewie to the City of Columbus and to congratulate him on his retirementAdoptedPass Action details
0203X-2020 13Ceremonial ResolutionTo honor, recognize and celebrate the life and service of Willie Young Sr.AdoptedPass Action details
1949-2020 1FR-1OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director, on behalf of the Fleet Management Division, to establish purchase orders for the purchase of sixty-five (65) in car video systems with Motorola Solutions, Inc. in accordance with the terms and conditions of State of Ohio Cooperative Contracts; to authorize the Finance and Management Director to establish purchase orders with Buckeye Mountain, Inc., Upstate Wholesale Supply (DBA Brite Computers), and Spacebound Inc., for the purchase of sixty-seven (67) Fujitsu Lifebook Computers and necessary hardware/accessories to be installed in Police vehicles; to authorize the Finance and Management Director to establish purchase orders with Parr Public Safety and Funtrails Vans for the purchase of multiple vehicle up-fitting packages; and to authorize the appropriation and expenditure of $699,422.93 from the Special Income Tax fund. ($699,422.93)Read for the First Time  Action details
2792-2020 1FR-2OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a Universal Term Contract for the option to purchase Tire Retreading Services with The Goodyear Tire and Rubber Company; and to authorize the expenditure of $1.00 from General Budget Reservation BRPO001343. ($1.00).Read for the First Time  Action details
2796-2020 1FR-3OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a Universal Term Contract for the option to purchase Ford OEM Parts with Dick Masheter Ford, Inc.; and to authorize the expenditure of $1.00 from General Budget Reservation BRPO001343. ($1.00).Read for the First Time  Action details
2595-2020 1FR-4OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract with Conie Construction Co. for the 2020 Fire Hydrant Replacements Project; to authorize a transfer and expenditure up to $1,238,438.50 within the Water General Obligation Voted Bonds Fund; to provide for payment of prevailing wage services to the Department of Public Service; for the Division of Water; and to amend the 2020 Capital Improvements Budget.Read for the First Time  Action details
2638-2020 1FR-5OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew an existing service agreement with Linko Technology Inc. (DBA Tokay Software) for backflow prevention management software services and to authorize the expenditure of $45,200.00 from and within the Water Operating Fund. ($45,200.00)Read for the First Time  Action details
2679-2020 1FR-6OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify an existing agreement with Strand Associates, Inc. for professional engineering services for the Community Park/Maple Canyon HSTS Elimination Project; for the Division of Sewerage & Drainage; to authorize an expenditure of up to $18,923.00 from the Sanitary General Obligation Fund. ($18,923.00)Read for the First Time  Action details
2683-2020 1FR-7OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify (Modification #1) an existing engineering agreement with Hatch Associates Consultants, Inc. for the Southwesterly Composting Facility Odor Control Improvements project; to authorize the transfer of up to $633,251.00 within and expenditure of up to $680,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund; and to amend the 2020 Capital Improvement Budget. ($680,000.00)Read for the First Time  Action details
2684-2020 1FR-8OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew the professional engineering services agreement with CDM Smith, Inc. for the Dublin Road Water Plant (DRWP) UV Disinfection Project; for the Division of Water; to authorize the appropriation and transfer of $1,400,000.00 from the Water System Reserve Fund to the Water General Obligations Bond Fund; and to authorize the appropriation and expenditure up to $1,400,000.00 from the Water General Obligations Bond Fund. ($1,400,000.00)Read for the First Time  Action details
2687-2020 1FR-9OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract with Gracon, LLC for the O’Shaughnessy Hydro Turbine Facility Improvements Project in an amount up to $15,281,800.00; to waive the competitive bidding provisions of City Code; to authorize payment up to $2,000.00 for prevailing wage services; to authorize the appropriation and transfer of $14,463,800.00 from the Water System Reserve Fund to the Water General Obligations Bond Fund; to authorize a transfer of $820,000.00 within the Water General Obligations Bond Fund; and to authorize the appropriation and expenditure up to $15,283,800.00 from the Water General Obligations Bond Fund; and to authorize an amendment to the 2020 Capital Improvements Budget; ($15,283,800.00)Read for the First Time  Action details
2688-2020 1FR-10OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew the professional engineering services agreement with Ribway Engineering Group, Inc. for the Dublin Road Water Plant Misc. Improvements - Basin Clarifier Rehab. Project; for the Division of Water; to authorize the appropriation and transfer of $1,400,000.00 from the Water System Reserve Fund to the Water General Obligations Bond Fund; and to authorize the appropriation and expenditure up to $1,400,000.00 from the Water General Obligations Bond Fund. ($1,400,000.00)Read for the First Time  Action details
2716-2020 1FR-11OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew (renewal #3) an existing engineering agreement with Black & Veatch Corporation for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Upgrade, General Program #4, Overall Engineering Consultant Services; to transfer up to $794,990.00 within and expend up to $1,000,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund; and to amend the 2020 Capital Improvement Budget. ($1,000,000.00)Read for the First Time  Action details
2731-2020 1FR-12OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into an agreement with EmNet, LLC for professional engineering services for the Real Time Control Sewer System Optimization, Part 2 Project; to authorize a transfer within and expenditure of up to $500,000.00 from the Sanitary General Obligation Bond Fund; and to amend the 2020 Capital Improvements Budget. ($500,000.00)Read for the First Time  Action details
2746-2020 1FR-13OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew the professional engineering services agreement with Patrick Engineering Inc. for the O’Shaughnessy Hydro Turbine Facilities Improvements Project; for the Division of Water; to authorize a transfer and expenditure up to $1,000,000.00 within the Water General Obligations Bond Fund; and to amend the 2020 Capital Improvements Budget. ($1,000,000.00)Read for the First Time  Action details
2759-2020 1FR-14OrdinanceTo authorize the City Attorney to spend City funds to acquire and accept in good faith certain fee simple and lesser real estate located in the vicinity of Miller Avenue, Kelton Avenue, Newton Street, and Bedford Avenue, and contract for associated professional services in order for the Department of Public Utilities to timely complete the acquisition of Real Estate for the Blueprint Miller Kelton Newton Bedford Project; to expend up to $225,675.00 within the Sanitary General Obligation Fund. ($225,675.00)Read for the First Time  Action details
2762-2020 1FR-15OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to apply for, accept, and enter into up to fifty-eight (58) Ohio Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Loan Agreements with the Ohio Water Development Authority and the Ohio Environmental Protection Agency, for the financing of up to fifty-eight Division of Sewerage and Drainage construction projects; and to designate a dedicated source of repayment for the loans.Read for the First Time  Action details
2803-2020 1FR-16OrdinanceTo amend Section 1 of ordinance number 1064-2020 to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to execute a Water Resource Restoration Sponsor Program (WRRSP) Agreement with the Appalachia Ohio Alliance; and to designate a Division of Sewerage and Drainage Project as the Sponsor Project for the WRRSP.Read for the First Time  Action details
2751-2020 1FR-17OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into a Housing Development Agreement with the Central Ohio Community Land Trust to outline the plans and certain commitments of the parties relating to the proposed redevelopment of land bank lots located in various Columbus neighborhoods.Read for the First Time  Action details
2703-2020 1FR-18OrdinanceTo accept the application (AN20-007) of Freeda Rabadi for the annexation of certain territory containing 0.44± acres in Madison Township.Read for the First Time  Action details
2791-2020 1FR-19OrdinanceTo repeal and replace Ordinance 2188-2020 with this Ordinance; to amend Ordinance 2117-2005 as previously amended by Ordinance 0715-2009, to repeal and replace the authorized supplemented list of public infrastructure improvements and to remove parcels from the existing Dublin-Granville North and Dublin Granville South TIF districts; to create the “Dublin-Granville East” O.R.C. 5709.40(B) TIF area; to declare improvements to the TIF parcels to be a public purpose and exempt from real property taxation; to require the owners of the TIF parcels to make service payments in lieu of taxes; to require the distribution of the applicable portion of those service payments to the Columbus City School District, the New Albany Plain Local School District, and the Eastland-Fairfield Career & Technical Schools; and to establish a municipal public improvement tax increment equivalent fund for the deposit of the remainder of those service payments.Read for the First Time  Action details
2785-2020 1FR-20OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a Universal Term Contract for the option to purchase Serv Safe Educational Materials with National Restaurant Association; and to authorize the expenditure of $1.00 from General Budget Reservation BRPO001343. ($1.00).Read for the First Time  Action details
2870-2020 1FR-21OrdinanceTo establish Chapter 717, Public Health Prohibitions; enact new Section 717.01 of the Columbus City Code containing provisions requiring restaurants to make healthy drinks -- water, low-fat milk and 100% fruit juice -- the default options offered with restaurant kids’ meals.Read for the First Time  Action details
2880-2020 1FR-22OrdinanceTo amend Section 2331.01of the Columbus City Codes to clarify that discrimination on the basis of hair texture or protective or cultural hairstyles is discrimination on the basis of race.Read for the First Time  Action details
2711-2020 1FR-23OrdinanceTo rezone 3111 HAYDEN RD. (43235), being 5.34± acres located on the south side of Hayden Road, 500± feet east of Riverside Drive, From: PUD-8, Planned Unit Development District, To: L-AR-2, Limited Apartment Residential District (Rezoning # Z20-057).Read for the First Time  Action details
2712-2020 1FR-24OrdinanceTo grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3312.21(A), Landscaping and screening; 3312.27, Parking setback line; and 3333.18, Building lines; of the Columbus City Codes, for property located at 3111 HAYDEN RD. (43235), to permit reduced development standards for an apartment building in the L-AR-2, Limited Apartment Residential District, and to repeal Ordinance #0330-2013, passed February 25, 2013 (Council Variance #CV20-062). (AMENDED BY ORD. 1147-2021; PASSED 5/17/2021)Read for the First Time  Action details
2753-2020 1FR-25OrdinanceTo grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3332.035, R-3, residential district; 3312.49(C), Minimum numbers of parking spaces required; 3332.05(A)(4), Area district lot width requirements; 3332.13, R-3 area district requirements; 3332.22, Building lines on corner lots - Exceptions; 3332.26, Minimum side yard permitted; 3332.27, Rear yard; and 3332.28, Side or rear yard obstruction, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 133 S. MONROE AVE. (43205), to permit two single-unit dwellings on one lot with reduced development standards in the R-3, Residential District (Council Variance #CV20-089).Read for the First Time  Action details
2756-2020 1FR-26OrdinanceTo grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3356.03, C-4 permitted uses; 3309.14(B), Height districts; 3312.49, Minimum numbers of parking spaces required, 3312.53, Minimum number of loading spaces required; 3325.213, FAR Standards; 3325.223, Building Height Standard; and 3325.241(D), Building Design Standards, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 1206 N. 4TH ST. (43201), to permit a mixed-use development with reduced development standards in the C-4, Commercial District (Council Variance #CV20-074).Read for the First Time  Action details
2794-2020 1FR-27OrdinanceTo rezone 824 OAK ST. (43205), being 0.27± acres located on the north side of Oak Street, 100± feet east of South Monroe Avenue, From: R-3, Residential, and ARLD, Apartment Residential Districts, To: ARLD, Apartment Residential District (Rezoning #Z20-033).Read for the First Time  Action details
2795-2020 1FR-28OrdinanceTo grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3333.02, AR-12, ARLD and AR-1 apartment residential district use; 3312.21(D)(1), Landscaping and screening; 3333.11, ARLD area district requirements; 3333.16, Fronting; 3333.18(F), Building lines; and 3333.24, Rear yard, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 824 OAK ST. (43205), to permit two three-unit dwellings with reduced development standards in the ARLD, Apartment Residential District (Council Variance # CV20-038).Read for the First Time  Action details
2804-2020 1FR-29OrdinanceTo rezone 4201 S. HAMILTON RD. (43125), being 2.79± acres located on the west side of South Hamilton Road, 800± feet south of Bayleap Drive, From: CPD, Commercial Planned Development District, To: CPD, Commercial Planned Development District (Rezoning #Z20-077).Read for the First Time  Action details
2805-2020 1FR-30OrdinanceTo rezone 4660 KENNY RD. (43220), being 1.99± acres located on the east side of Kenny Road, 380± feet north of Godown Road, From: L-AR-1, Limited Apartment Residential District, To: AR-1, Apartment Residential District (Rezoning #Z20-028).Read for the First Time  Action details
2806-2020 1FR-31OrdinanceTo grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3333.02, AR-12, ARLD, and AR-1, apartment residential district use; 3312.21, Landscaping and screening; 3333.24, Rear yard; and 3333.35, Side or rear yard obstruction, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 4660 KENNY RD. (43220), to permit commercial vehicular access and reduced development standards in the AR-1, Limited Apartment Residential District, and to repeal Ordinance #2864-2017, passed November 20, 2017 (Council Variance #CV20-030).Read for the First Time  Action details
2807-2020 1FR-32OrdinanceTo rezone 999 E. DUBLIN-GRANVILLE RD. (43229), being 1.54± acres located on the south side of East Dublin-Granville Road, 350± feet east of North Meadows Boulevard, From: C-4, Commercial District, To: AR-O, Apartment Office District (Rezoning #Z20-074).Read for the First Time  Action details
2808-2020 1FR-33OrdinanceTo grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3312.27(2), Parking setback line; 3312.49(C), Minimum numbers of parking spaces required; 3321.05, Vision clearance; 3333.18, Building lines; and 3333.24, Rear yard, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 999 E. DUBLIN-GRANVILLE RD. (43229), to permit reduced development standards for an apartment building in the AR-O, Apartment Office District (Council Variance #CV20-085).Read for the First Time  Action details
2836-2020 1FR-34OrdinanceTo grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3332.037, R-2F, residential district; 3312.49, Minimum numbers of parking spaces required; 3332.05, Area district lot width requirements; 3332.14, R-2F area district requirements; 3332.19, Fronting; 3332.25, Maximum side yards required; 3332.26, Minimum side yard permitted; and 3332.27, Rear yard, for the property located at 282 E. DESHLER AVE. (43206), to permit two single-unit dwellings on one lot with reduced development standards in the R-2F, Residential District (Council Variance #CV20-065).Read for the First Time  Action details
2843-2020 1FR-35OrdinanceTo grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3356.03, C-4 Permitted uses; 3367.01, M-2, manufacturing district; 3370.05 Permitted uses; and 3309.14, Height districts, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 4560 HILTON CORPORATE DR. (43232), to permit ground floor residential uses, apartment units, and increased building height in a mixed-use development in the C-4, Commercial District and L-M, Limited Manufacturing District (Council Variance #CV20-102).Read for the First Time  Action details
2845-2020 1FR-36OrdinanceTo rezone 2685 E. LIVINGSTON AVE. (43209), being 4.94± acres located at the southeast and southwest corners of East Livingston Avenue and Brookwood Road, From: R-3, Residential District, To: AR-O, Apartment Office District (Rezoning #Z20-054).Read for the First Time  Action details
2846-2020 1FR-37OrdinanceTo grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3312.27, Parking setback line; 3312.49(C), Minimum numbers of parking spaces required; and 3333.18, Building lines, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 2685 E. LIVINGSTON AVE. (43209), to permit reduced development standards for a multi-unit residential development in the AR-O, Apartment Office District (Council Variance #CV20-058).Read for the First Time  Action details
2851-2020 1FR-38OrdinanceTo rezone 1410 CLEVELAND AVE. (43211), being 1.28± acres located at the northeast corner of Cleveland Avenue and East 11th Avenue, From: R-4, Residential and CPD, Commercial Planned Development districts, To: CPD, Commercial Planned Development District (Rezoning #Z20-067).Read for the First Time  Action details
2852-2020 1FR-39OrdinanceTo grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3332.035, R-3, residential district; 3312.49(C), Minimum numbers of parking spaces required; 3332.05(A)(4), Area district lot width requirements; 3332.13, R-3 area district requirements; 3332.19, Fronting; 3332.25, Maximum side yards required; 3332.26(B), Minimum side yard permitted; and 3333.24, Rear yard, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 735 & 739-741 OAK ST. (43205), to permit two single-unit dwellings on one lot, and to conform an existing two-unit dwelling on an adjacent lot, with reduced development standards in the R-3, Residential District (Council Variance #CV20-100).Read for the First Time  Action details
0195X-2020 1CA-1Ceremonial ResolutionTo Recognize and Celebrate Kevin Duffy as the 2020 Recipient of The Legal Aid Society of Columbus’ Extraordinary Pro Bono Service by an Individual Award.AdoptedPass Action details
0196X-2020 1CA-2Ceremonial ResolutionTo Recognize and Celebrate Maxim Perel as the 2020 Recipient of The Legal Aid Society of Columbus’ Pro Bono In the Trenches Award.AdoptedPass Action details
0197X-2020 1CA-3Ceremonial ResolutionTo Recognize and Celebrate Deborah Crawford as the 2020 Recipient of The Legal Aid Society of Columbus’ Pro Bono Support Award.AdoptedPass Action details
0198X-2020 1CA-4Ceremonial ResolutionTo Recognize and Celebrate Hannah Botkin-Doty as the 2020 Recipient of The Legal Aid Society of Columbus’ Expanding our Impact Pro Bono Award.AdoptedPass Action details
0199X-2020 1CA-5Ceremonial ResolutionTo Recognize and Celebrate Keesha Warmsby as the 2020 Recipient of The Legal Aid Society of Columbus’ Pro Bono Corporate/Firm Award.AdoptedPass Action details
0193X-2020 1CA-6Ceremonial ResolutionTo celebrate the life, legacy and service of Nena Elaine Carr-Jackson and extend our deepest condolences to her family on the occasion of her passing; Friday, November 13th 2020.AdoptedPass Action details
0194X-2020 1CA-7Ceremonial ResolutionTo celebrate the life, legacy and service of Randall Charles Taylor and extend our deepest condolences to his family on the occasion of his passing; Friday, November 20h 2020.AdoptedPass Action details
0192X-2020 1CA-8Ceremonial ResolutionTo Recognize December 1st, 2020 as World AIDS DayAdoptedPass Action details
0166X-2020 1CA-9ResolutionTo authorize the City Auditor to request advance payments for all taxes from the Franklin, Fairfield and Delaware County Auditors during 2021 and to declare an emergency.AdoptedPass Action details
2729-2020 1CA-10OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management to modify and extend a contract on behalf of the Office of Construction Management with Energility, LLC. for additional professional services related to energy efficiency and energy management projects; to authorize the expenditure of $16,049.00 from a previously established Auditor's Certificate; to authorize the expenditure of $26,281.00 from the General Permanent Improvement Fund; to authorize the appropriation of $25,097.56 within the general permanent Improvement fund; and to declare an emergency. ($42,330.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2730-2020 1CA-11OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into contracts for the option to purchase Aftermarket (Non-OEM) Vehicle Parts with Genuine Parts Company, dba NAPA Auto Parts, and IEH Auto Parts LLC, dba Auto Plus Auto Parts; to authorize the expenditure of $2.00 from General Budget Reservation BRPO001343; and to declare an emergency. ($2.00).ApprovedPass Action details
2734-2020 1CA-12OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a contract for the option to purchase Winter Wear and Raingear with Grainger; to authorize the expenditure of $1.00 from General Budget Reservation BRPO001343; and to declare an emergency. ($1.00).ApprovedPass Action details
2750-2020 1CA-13OrdinanceTo amend the 2020 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the transfer of funds between projects within Public Safety Voted Bond Fund; to authorize the Director of Finance and Management to modify and extend a contract on behalf of the Office of Construction Management with Mull & Weithman Architects, Inc. for additional design professional services related to the Police and Fire Joint Wellness Center; to authorize the expenditure of $67,795.00 from the Public Safety Voted Bond Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($67,795.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2758-2020 1CA-14OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management to expend up to $27,000.00 from the General Fund for the fifth automatic renewal term of the service agreement with Lease Harbor, LLC; and to declare an emergency.($27,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2784-2020 1CA-15OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Finance and Management to enter into contract with the Columbus Urban League for the administration of the Fair Housing Program; to authorize the expenditure of $150,000.00 from the Community Development Block Grant fund; and to declare an emergency. ($150,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2812-2020 1CA-16OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Finance and Management to execute those documents necessary to enter into a Second Amendment to Agreement For Lease of Real Property For Agricultural Purposes between the City of Columbus and Lowell Thomas Taylor and to declare an emergency. ($0.00).ApprovedPass Action details
2827-2020 1CA-17OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Finance and Management to enter into lease amendments with City Tenants operating businesses as food service providers that are necessary to abate rent due to the continuation of the COVID-19 pandemic; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2339-2020 1CA-18OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into contracts with Advanced Turf Solutions, Century Equipment Inc., and Pony Powersports Group on behalf of the Recreation and Parks Department for the purchase of equipment for the Parks Maintenance Section, to authorize the transfer of $32,910.70 within the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund, to authorize the amendment of the 2020 Capital Improvements Budget; to authorize the expenditure of $49,409.70 from the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($49,409.70)ApprovedPass Action details
2515-2020 1CA-19OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to modify a contract with OHM Advisors for professional engineering and architectural services associated with the improvements to the Adventure Center located in Franklin Park, to authorize the expenditure of $95,110.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($95,110.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2517-2020 1CA-20OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to modify an existing contract with ProCon Professional Construction Services for the Thompson Community Center door and window replacement project, to authorize the transfer of $175,000.00 within the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund, to authorize the amendment of the 2020 Capital Improvements Budget; to authorize the expenditure of $175,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($175,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
1457-2020 1CA-21OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a Universal Term Contract for the option to purchase Police Vehicles with George Byers Sons Inc.; to authorize the expenditure of $1.00 from General Budget Reservation BRPO001343; and to declare an emergency. ($1.00).ApprovedPass Action details
2090-2020 1CA-22OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director to associate all General Budget Reservations resulting from this ordinance with Galls RT II, LLC for the purchase of new SWAT uniforms, and with Enforcement Video, LLC dba WatchGuard Video, for the purchase of body worn cameras for the Division of Police from existing Universal Term Contracts; to authorize the expenditure of $190,603.00 from the General Fund and the Law Enforcement Seizure Fund. ($190,603.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2529-2020 1CA-23OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director to associate all general budget reservations resulting from this ordinance with the appropriate Universal Term Contract Purchase Agreement for the purchase of computers, monitors, and accessories for the Division of Police; to authorize the expenditure of $275,276.17 from the Law Enforcement Contraband Fund. (275,276.17) (AMENDED BY ORD. 1223-2021; PASSED 6/14/2021)ApprovedPass Action details
2602-2020 1CA-25OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director to associate all General Budget Reservations within this ordinance to Galls RT II, LLC. for the purchase of uniforms and accessories for the Division of Police from existing Universal Term Contracts; to authorize the expenditure of $240,032.00 from the General Fund and the Law Enforcement Seizure Fund. ($240,032.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2675-2020 1CA-26OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Safety to enter into a contract with CareWorks Managed Care Services Inc. for the Division of Police, for the purpose of processing, negotiating, and auditing prisoner medical claims; and to authorize the expenditure of $86,100.00 from the General Fund. ($86,100.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2757-2020 1CA-27OrdinanceTo authorize and direct the Finance and Management Director to associate all General Budget Reservations resulting from this ordinance with the appropriate Universal Term Contract Purchase Agreement(s) for janitorial supplies with Key-4 Cleaning Supplies for the Division of Fire; to authorize the expenditure of $65,500.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($65,500.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2853-2020 1CA-28OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Public Safety to modify and extend the contract with the John Glenn College of Public Affairs at The Ohio State University for completion of an Independent Operational Review of the City’s Response to 2020 George Floyd Protest Events in Columbus, OH until March 31, 2021; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2423-2020 1CA-29OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a Guaranteed Maximum Reimbursement Agreement with The Gravity Project 2, LLC, for the partial reimbursement of construction of conduits, manholes, vaults, and pads; to appropriate, transfer and expend up to $190,000.00 from the Electricity Permanent Improvements Fund; to authorize an amendment to the 2019 Capital Improvement Budget; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2471-2020 1CA-30OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management to associate all General Budget Reservations resulting from this ordinance with the appropriate Universal Term Contract Purchase Agreements for Conductors and Electrical Overhead and Underground Wire and Cable; and to authorize the expenditure of $800,000.00 from the Power Operating Fund ($800,000.00).ApprovedPass Action details
2473-2020 1CA-31OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into contract with Utility Supply and Construction Company and Peak Electric Inc. for the purchase and delivery of luminaires for the Division of Power and to authorize the expenditure of $596,484.95 from the Division of Power Operating Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($596,484.95)ApprovedPass Action details
2505-2020 1CA-32OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into contract with Agilent Technologies, Inc., for the purchase of one (1) Agilent 8600/5977 Gas Chromatograph/Mass Spectroscopy (GC/MS), for the Division of Water; and to authorize the expenditure of $61,506.80 from the Water Operating Fund. ($61,506.80)ApprovedPass Action details
2520-2020 1CA-33OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to establish an encumbrance for a subscription to The Water Research Foundation program for 2021, in accordance with the sole source provisions of the Columbus City Code; and to authorize the expenditure of up to $115,000.00 from the Water Operating Fund and up to $35,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer Operating Fund. ($150,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2526-2020 1CA-34OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify an existing agreement with GS-Oh, Inc. for professional engineering services for the Holt Ave./Somersworth Dr. Stormwater System Improvement Project; for the Division of Sewerage & Drainage, Stormwater Section; to authorize a transfer of $45,761.41 and an expenditure of up to $45,761.41 from the Storm Sewer Bond Fund. ($45,761.41)ApprovedPass Action details
2536-2020 1CA-35OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify and increase its contract with Cornerstone Maintenance Services, Ltd. to provide HVAC and Air Purification Equipment Maintenance Services for the Department of Public Utilities, and to authorize the expenditure of $220,000.00 from the Sewer Operating Sanitary Fund. ($220,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2544-2020 1CA-36OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to renew an existing engineering agreement with Hatch Associates Consultants, Inc. for the DOSD Roof Replacements, No. 2; to authorize the transfer and the expenditure of up to $415,000.00 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Bond Fund. ($415,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2575-2020 1CA-37OrdinanceTo authorize the City Auditor to establish a new subfund within the City’s Special Purpose Fund to account for private boat dock permit fees and fees collected from reservoir contiguous landowners and others for tree damage assessments, utility easement fees, general restoration donations, and settlements from encroachment related issues, among other fees collected by the Department of Public Utilities Watershed Management Section; and to authorize the transfer of $91,936.50 from Fund 2223, Subfund 222311 to the new subfund, which will be known as the DPU Land Stewardship Fund. ($91,936.50)ApprovedPass Action details
2592-2020 1CA-38OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify and extend an agreement on behalf of the City of Columbus between Kurtz Brothers Central Ohio, LLC and the Solid Waste Authority of Central Ohio, for the design, construction and operation of the Organic Waste Recovery and Reuse System Project, and to authorize the expenditure of $872,500.00 from the Sewer Operating Sanitary Fund. ($872,500.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2625-2020 1CA-39OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify, increase and extend the service agreement with Irth Solutions, LLC to supply, integrate, and support a Ticket Management System for the Department of Public Utilities; and to authorize the expenditure of $1,982.73 from the Electricity Operating Fund, $12,611.44 from the Water Operating Fund, $14,139.11 from the Sewer System Operating Fund, $3,770.43 from the Stormwater Operating Fund; and declare an emergency ($32,503.71).ApprovedPass Action details
2650-2020 1CA-40OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into a contract with Pepco Professional Electric Products Company for the purchase, delivery, and installation of the ATC Retrofit Package for the Department of Public Utilities, to authorize the expenditure of $98,849.00 from the Power Operating Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($98,849.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2652-2020 1CA-41OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to execute a planned modification of the 2020-2022 Construction Administration/Inspection Services Agreement with DLZ Ohio, Inc. for the Division of Sewerage and Drainage’s Morse/Dominion Integrated Solutions; to authorize the transfer within and expenditure of up to $66,002.17 from the Sanitary General Obligation Bond Fund; to authorize an amendment to the 2020 Capital Improvements Budget; and to declare an emergency. ($66,002.17)ApprovedPass Action details
2665-2020 1CA-42OrdinanceTo authorize the City Attorney to spend City funds to acquire and accept in good faith certain fee simple and lesser real estate located in the vicinity of Northern Pickaway County near Rickenbacker International Airport, and contract for associated professional services in order for the Department of Public Utilities to timely complete the acquisition of Real Estate for the Intermodal Sanitary Subtrunk Extension Project; to transfer, and expend up to $100,000.00 within the Sanitary General Obligation Bond Fund; to amend the 2020 Capital Improvement Budget; and to declare an emergency. ($100,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2741-2020 1CA-43OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify an existing engineering agreement with DLZ Ohio, Inc. for the East Franklinton Sewer Improvements Project; to authorize the appropriation, transfer within and expenditure of up to $94,061.33 from the West Edge I TIF Fund 7420; and to amend the 2020 Capital Improvements Budget; and to declare an emergency. ($94,061.33)ApprovedPass Action details
2769-2020 1CA-44OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to pay the Water Pollution Control Loan Fund Loan Fee to the Ohio Water Development Authority for the Facilities & Equipment Upgrades at the Whittier Street Storm Tanks loan; to authorize the expenditure of $27,300.00 from the Sewerage System Operating Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($27,300.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2631-2020 1CA-45OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Technology to renew a contract with CDW Government, LLC, for the purchase of the Proofpoint secure email gateway solution; to authorize the expenditure of $254,525.00 from the Department of Technology, Information Services Division, Information Services Operating Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($254,525.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2704-2020 1CA-46OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management, on behalf of the Department of Technology, to establish a purchase order for various city departments for maintenance and support of the OnBase Software, with 3SG Plus, LLC, a dealer of Hyland OnBase Software, utilizing a State of Ohio, State Term Schedule, in accordance with the sole source provisions of the Columbus City Code; to authorize the expenditure of $160,069.75 from the Department of Technology, Information Services Division, Information Services Operating Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($160,069.75)ApprovedPass Action details
2727-2020 1CA-47OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Technology to enter into contract with Tran Products LLC, doing business as TP Resources, on behalf of the Department of Public Service for development of a Pavement Assessment Work-limit System, to authorize the expenditure of $430,000.00 from the operating budget of the Street Construction Maintenance fund in the Department of Public Service, Division of Transportation Design and Construction; and to declare an emergency. ($430,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2743-2020 1CA-48OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management to associate a General Budget reservation resulting from this ordinance on behalf of the Department of Technology with the appropriate Universal Term Contract Purchase Agreement(s) with CDW Government LLC, for the purchase of Cisco spare switches and Cisco SFP transceiver modules; to authorize the expenditure from the Department of Technology operating funds; and to declare an emergency ($54,255.86)ApprovedPass Action details
2747-2020 1CA-49OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management, on behalf of the Department of Technology (DoT), to establish a purchase order with Dell Marketing, LP for access to Microsoft Premier Support services; to authorize the expenditure of $80,096.80 from the Department of Technology, Information Services Operating Fund, and to declare an emergency. ($80,096.80)ApprovedPass Action details
2797-2020 1CA-50OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into a contract for the option to purchase a Microsoft Enterprise Agreement with Dell marketing LP; to authorize the expenditure of $1.00 from General Budget Reservation BRPO001343; and to declare an emergency. ($1.00).ApprovedPass Action details
2809-2020 1CA-51OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Technology to enter into contract and establish a purchase order with Avante Solutions, Inc. for the renewal of Cherwell Service Management software licenses and support; and to authorize the expenditure of $57,776.50 from the Department of Technology, Information Services Operating Fund, and to declare an emergency. ($57,776.50)ApprovedPass Action details
2878-2020 1CA-52OrdinanceTo authorize the amendment of Ordinance 2527-2020 to increase the dollar amount referenced therein by $450,000.00 for a total allowable reimbursement of $950,000.00; to transfer $520,000.00 from object classes 02 and 06 to object class 03 in the Department of Technology federal CARES act fund; to authorize the expenditure of $950,000.00 in federal CARES act funding for the above-described purpose; and to declare an emergency. ($950,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2883-2020 1CA-53OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Technology (DoT) to enter into contract with Netraid for extended warranty, maintenance, support and monitoring services for Hewlett Packard servers and EMC data storage equipment and data center systems; to authorize the expenditure of $64,110.00 from the Department of Technology, Information Services Operating Fund, and to declare an emergency ($64,110.00).ApprovedPass Action details
2576-2020 1CA-54OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Public Service to execute those documents necessary to release an easement at 562 Alta View Village Court. ($0.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2599-2020 1CA-55OrdinanceTo amend the 2020 Capital Improvement Budget; to appropriate funds within the Special Income Tax Fund and within the Parking Garages - Confluence Garage - Taxable Fund; to transfer funds from the Special Income Tax Fund to the Parking Garages - Confluence Garage - Taxable Fund; to transfer cash and appropriation between projects within the Streets and Highways Bond Fund; to authorize the Director of Public Service to enter into a contract modification with Moody Nolan for the Miscellaneous Economic Development - Confluence Village Garage project; to authorize the expenditure of up to $900,000.00 from the Streets and Highways Bond Fund and the Parking Garages - Confluence Garage - Taxable Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($900,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2615-2020 1CA-56OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Service to enter into contract with AAD Contracting for the Bridge Cleaning and Sealing 2020 project; to authorize the expenditure of up to $380,000.00 from the Street Construction Maintenance and Repair Fund for the project; and to declare an emergency. ($380,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2692-2020 1CA-57OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management, on behalf of the Department of Public Service, Division of Infrastructure Management, to use ODOT cooperative contracts, and to enter into contract with Chloride Solutions, LLC, EnviroTech Services, Inc., Great Lakes Chloride, Inc., Innovative Municipal Products (US), Inc., K-Tech Specialty Coatings, Inc., and Nature’s Own Source, LLC for deicing chemicals for snow and ice control on the roadways of Columbus; to authorize the Director of Finance and Management to associate all General Budget reservation resulting from this ordinance with the appropriate ODOT contract for deicing chemicals, to authorize the expenditure of $200,000.00 from the Municipal Motor Vehicle Tax Fund, and to declare an emergency. ($200,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2694-2020 1CA-58OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Public Service to execute those documents necessary to release a temporary construction easement related to the Hamilton Road Extension project; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2697-2020 1CA-59OrdinanceTo amend the 2020 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the City’s Chief Innovation Officer to execute a contract modification with GreenSpot relative to the Smart City Challenge - Public Access Charging Project; to authorize the expenditure of up to $9,000.00 from the Public Service Taxable Bonds Fund to pay for the contract modification; and to declare an emergency. ($9,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2713-2020 1CA-60OrdinanceTo accept the plat titled “Amberfield at Big Walnut Section 3” from Amberfield Investments; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2760-2020 1CA-61OrdinanceTo amend the 2020 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the appropriation of funds within the Streets and Highways Bond Fund; to authorize the City Attorney's Office to hire professional services and to acquire the property needed for the construction of the Arterial Street Rehabilitation - Hudson Street - I71 to Cleveland Avenue project; to authorize the expenditure of up to $500,000.00 from the Streets and Highways Bond Fund for the acquisition; and to declare an emergency. ($500,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2765-2020 1CA-62OrdinanceTo amend the 2020 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the transfer of cash and appropriation between projects within the Streets and Highways Bond Fund; to authorize the City Attorney's Office to contract for professional services and to acquire property needed for the Pedestrian Safety Improvements - Maple Canyon Avenue Sidewalks project; to authorize the expenditure of up to $130,000.00 from the Streets and Highways Bond Fund for the project; and to declare an emergency. ($130,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2813-2020 1CA-63OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director to enter into two (2) contracts for the option to purchase Non-CDL, Diesel and CNG Bucket Trucks with Altec Inc. and Esec Corporation; to authorize the expenditure of $2.00 to establish the contracts from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($2.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2588-2020 1CA-64OrdinanceTo authorize the appropriation of $273,500.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Housing/Business Tax Incentives Fund to the Department of Development to provide funds for the administration of tax incentive projects for the 2021 budget year; and to declare an emergency. ($273,500.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2596-2020 1CA-65OrdinanceTo authorize the appropriation of $300,000.00 from the FY 2021 HOME Administration monies within the HOME Investment Partnerships Program from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) to the Department of Development to provide funding for personnel expenses in the Department of Development’s Housing Division for 2021; to authorize the appropriation of $88,000.00 from the FY2020 HOME grant program income to provide funding for personnel expenses in the Department of Development’s Housing Division for 2021; and to declare an emergency. ($388,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2698-2020 1CA-66OrdinanceTo authorize the appropriation and expenditure of up to $400,000.00 of 2020 HOME Investment Partnerships Program (HOME) grant from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; to authorize the Director of Development to enter into a commitment letter, loan agreement, promissory note, mortgage, and restrictive covenant with Warner Junction, Ltd in an amount up to $400,000.00; and to declare an emergency. ($400,000.00).ApprovedPass Action details
2699-2020 1CA-67OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Development to renew a contract with Franklin County Public Health for an additional year to provide lead risk inspection/assessor services to the Lead Safe Columbus program; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2720-2020 1CA-68OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Development to renew a contract with Herlihy Moving & Storage for an additional year to provide storage services to the Lead Safe Columbus program; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2721-2020 1CA-69OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Development to renew a contract with E.E. Ward Moving & Storage for an additional year to provide storage services to the Lead Safe Columbus program; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2722-2020 1CA-70OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Development to renew a contract with Helix Gahanna Lodging LLC dba Town Place Suites Gahanna for an additional year to provide hotel services to the Lead Safe Columbus program; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2723-2020 1CA-71OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Development to renew a contract with H.S. Heritage Inn of Columbus LLC dba Homewood Suites for an additional year to provide hotel services to the Lead Safe Columbus program; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2724-2020 1CA-72OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Development to execute any and all necessary agreements and deeds for conveyance of title of one parcel of real property (1225 Oakwood Ave.) held in the Land Bank pursuant to the Land Reutilization Program and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2725-2020 1CA-73OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Development to execute any and all necessary agreements and deeds for conveyance of title of one parcel of real property (2485 Hamilton Ave.) held in the Land Bank pursuant to the Land Reutilization Program and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2726-2020 1CA-74OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Development to execute any and all necessary agreements and deeds for conveyance of title of one parcel of real property (990 Shoemaker Ave.) held in the Land Bank pursuant to the Land Reutilization Program and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2789-2020 1CA-75OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Development to execute any and all necessary agreements and deeds for conveyance of title of one parcel of real property (366 S Warren Ave.) held in the Land Bank pursuant to the Land Reutilization Program and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2790-2020 1CA-76OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Development to execute any and all necessary agreements and deeds for conveyance of title of one parcel of real property (1767 Linden Pl.) held in the Land Bank pursuant to the Land Reutilization Program and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2825-2020 1CA-77OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Development to execute any and all necessary agreements and deeds for conveyance of title of one parcel of real property (3033 McGuffey Rd.) held in the Land Bank pursuant to the Land Reutilization Program and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2678-2020 1CA-78OrdinanceTo authorize and direct the Municipal Court Clerk to modify the contract with Official Payments Corporation to change the company name to ACI Payments, Inc.; and to declare an emergency. ($0.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2775-2020 1CA-79OrdinanceTo authorize and direct the Administrative and Presiding Judge of the Franklin County Municipal Court to accept a grant award from the State of Ohio, Crime Victims Assistance Office; to appropriate $89,186.77 from the unappropriated balance of the general government grant fund to the Franklin County Municipal Court Department of Probation and Pretrial Services to provide continued funding of two staff to work with the victims of crime when a perpetrator has been on probation; and to declare an emergency. ($89,186.77)ApprovedPass Action details
2793-2020 1CA-80OrdinanceTo authorize the Administrative and Presiding Judge of the Franklin County Municipal Court to modify past, present and future contract(s) and purchase orders from ACS to Averhealth; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2823-2020 1CA-81OrdinanceTo authorize and direct the Administrative and Presiding Judge of the Franklin County Municipal Court to accept five grants totaling $230,000.00 from the Bureau of Criminal Justice for the purpose of partially subsidizing salaries and fringe benefits for one person in each of the five specialized dockets; to appropriate $230,000.00 from the unappropriated balance of the general government grant fund to the Franklin County Municipal Court; and to declare an emergency. ($230,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2771-2020 1CA-82OrdinanceTo amend Ordinance 1190-2020, passed by Columbus City Council on June 15, 2020, for the purposes of revising the 90-day period needed to execute the City of Columbus Jobs Growth Incentive Agreement with Slalom, LLC to 90 days after passage of this ordinance; and to declare an emergency. (AMENDED BY ORD. 1065-2021; PASSED 5/10/2021)ApprovedPass Action details
2877-2020 1CA-83OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Development to execute a grant agreement with the North Market Development Authority for the purpose of providing operating support to the organization due to lost revenue as a result of COVID-19; to authorize an expenditure up to $500,000.00 from the CARES Act Fund; to authorize the payment of expenses starting March 1, 2020; and to declare an emergency. ($500,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2908-2020 1CA-84OrdinanceTo amend Ordinance 2537-2020, passed November 16, 2020, to amend the end date for eligible expenses from November 30, 2020 to December 31, 2020; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2574-2020 1CA-85OrdinanceTo amend the Management Compensation Plan, Ordinance 2713-2013, as amended, by increasing pay rates which are below the new State of Ohio minimum wage; to recognize Civil Service Commission action; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2783-2020 1CA-86OrdinanceTo authorize the City Auditor to appropriate $300,000.00 from the unappropriated balance of the employee benefits fund; to authorize the Human Resources Director to modify and increase the existing contract with Baker and Hostetler LLP, for the provision of labor negotiation, legal consultation and assistance; to authorize the additional expenditure of $300,000.00 from the employee benefits fund, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the costs of said contract; and to declare an emergency. ($300,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2465-2020 1CA-87OrdinanceTo authorize the Board of Health and the Office of the Mayor to accept a grant from Franklin County Department of Job and Family Services to implement a safe sleep campaign and neighborhood initiatives focused on teen health education in the amount of $650,000.00; to authorize the appropriation of $400,000.00 to the Health Department in the Health Department Grants Fund and $250,000.00 to the Office of the Mayor in the General Government Grants Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($650,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2589-2020 1CA-88OrdinanceTo authorize the appropriation and expenditure of $400,000.00 of the anticipated FY 2021 Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Department of Development; to authorize the Director of Development to enter into contract with the Community Shelter Board for the administration of the City's Emergency Solutions Grant monies; and to declare an emergency. ($400,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2604-2020 1CA-89OrdinanceTo authorize and direct the Board of Health to modify by extending an existing contract with Ohio State University Hospitals (OSU) to continue to provide MAT Services through March 31, 2021; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2647-2020 1CA-90OrdinanceTo authorize the appropriation and expenditure of $325,000.00 from the 2020 HOME Investment Partnerships grant program income; to authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into a subrecipient agreement with the Community Shelter Board in an amount up to $325,000.00 for the Tenant Base Rental Assistance Program and authorize the payment of expenses starting January 1, 2021; and to declare an emergency. ($325,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2660-2020 1CA-91OrdinanceTo authorize and direct the Board of Health to accept additional funds from the Ohio Department of Health for the Coronavirus Response Supplemental Grant Program in the amount of $200,000.00; to authorize the appropriation of $200,000.00 to the Health Department in the Health Department Grants Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($200,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2705-2020 1CA-92OrdinanceTo authorize the Board of Health to enter into contracts with various community agencies for the provision of eligible HOPWA services for the period of January 1, 2021 through December 31, 2021; to authorize the expenditure of $811,179.00 from the General Government Grants Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($811,179.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2714-2020 1CA-93OrdinanceTo authorize the Board of Health to modify and increase an existing contract for IVR services with ConvergeOne, Inc.; to authorize the expenditure of $382,200.00 from the Health Department Grants Fund (Fund 2251) for said contract; and to declare an emergency. ($382,200.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2786-2020 1CA-94OrdinanceTo authorize and direct the Board of Health to accept funds from the Franklin County Chemical Emergency Preparedness Advisory Council (CEPAC) in the amount of $72,357.60; to authorize the appropriation of $72,357.60 to the unappropriated balance of the Health Department Grants Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($72,357.60)ApprovedPass Action details
2868-2020 1CA-95OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Development to execute a grant agreement with the Workforce Development Board of Central Ohio in an amount up to $400,000.00 for the purpose of supporting some COVID-19 related renovations at the Columbus-Franklin County OhioMeansJobs Center; to authorize an expenditure up to $400,000.00 from the CARES Act fund; to authorize the payment of expenses starting March 1, 2020; and to declare an emergency. ($400,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2869-2020 1CA-96OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Development to execute a grant agreement with the Workforce Development Board of Central Ohio in an amount up to $600,000.00 for the purpose of supporting the Employer Workforce Training Investment Program; to authorize the appropriation and expenditure up to $600,000.00 from the Neighborhood Economic Development fund; to authorize the payment of expenses starting March 1, 2020; and to declare an emergency. ($600,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2779-2020 1CA-97OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Development to enter into contract with the Mt. Vernon District Improvement Association in an amount up to $13,000.00 for the purpose of serving as a Neighborhood Referral Partner with the Department of Development’s COVID-19 Small Business Response and Recovery Program; to authorize the payment of expenses starting March 1, 2020; and to declare an emergency. ($13,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
A0111-2020 1CA-98AppointmentReappointment of Dawn Tyler Lee, Deputy Chief of Staff, Office of the Mayor, 90 West Broad Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, to serve on the Community Shelter Board, with a new term expiration date of June 30, 2023 (resume attached).Read and ApprovedPass Action details
A0112-2020 1CA-99AppointmentReappointment of Ian R. D. Labitue, Director of Finance, Kaufman Development, 2838 Acarie Drive, Columbus, Ohio 43219, to the Community Shelter Board, with a new term expiration date of June 30, 2022 (resume attached).Read and ApprovedPass Action details
A0113-2020 1CA-100AppointmentAppointment of Renee Shumate, Manager, External Affairs, American Electric Power, 1 Riverside Plaza, Columbus, Ohio 43215, to serve on the Community Shelter Board, replacing Teresa McWain, with a new term expiration date of June 30, 2023 (resume attached).Read and ApprovedPass Action details
A0114-2020 1CA-101AppointmentAppointment of Francie Henry, Regional President, Fifth Third Bank, 21 East State Street, Columbus, Ohio 43215, to serve on the Community Shelter Board, replacing Jeffrey Lyttle, with a new term expiration date of June 30, 2022 (resume attached).Read and ApprovedPass Action details
2345-2020 1SR-1OrdinanceTo adopt the 2021 Proposed Annual Action Plan which implements the second year of the five-year "Consolidated Plan" for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) programs; and to authorize the filing of the Annual Action Plan with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and to declare an emergency.Taken from the TablePass Action details
2345-2020 1 OrdinanceTo adopt the 2021 Proposed Annual Action Plan which implements the second year of the five-year "Consolidated Plan" for the Community Development Block Grant (CDBG), HOME Investment Partnerships (HOME), Emergency Solutions Grant (ESG) and Housing Opportunities for Persons with AIDS (HOPWA) programs; and to authorize the filing of the Annual Action Plan with the U. S. Department of Housing and Urban Development; and to declare an emergency.Tabled to Certain DatePass Action details
2568-2020 1SR-2OrdinanceTo appropriate $25,760,000.00 within the Anticipated Expenditure Fund to provide authority for payment of a 27th pay day in 2020, to transfer $850,000.00 from the Anticipated Expenditure Fund to the Health Special Revenue Fund, to transfer $1,200,000.00 from the Anticipate Expenditure Fund to the Recreation and Parks Operation and Extension Fund; to appropriate $850,000.00 and $1,200,000.00 in the Health Special Revenue Fund and the Recreation and Parks Operation and Extension Funds respectively; and to declare an emergency. ($25,760,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2689-2020 1SR-3OrdinanceTo amend the 2020 Capital Improvement Budget; to authorize the Director of Finance and Management to enter into a contract, on behalf of the Office of Construction Management, with Elford, Inc. for the construction of the Westside Early Learning Center; to authorize and direct the City Auditor to appropriate and transfer $6,500,000.00 from the Special Income Tax Fund to the Construction Management Capital Improvement Fund; to authorize the expenditure of $20,070,522.00 from the Construction Management Capital Improvement Funds; and to declare an emergency. ($20,070,522.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2582-2020 1SR-4OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management, on behalf of Recreation and Parks, to enter into contract with Wilson Sporting Goods Co. for the purchase of merchandise for the Airport Golf Course; to waive the competitive bidding provisions of the Columbus City Code; to authorize the expenditure of $5,000.00 from within the Recreation and Parks operating fund; and to declare an emergency. ($5,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2583-2020 1SR-5OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management, on behalf of Recreation and Parks, to enter into contract with Acushnet Company (Titleist) for the purchase of merchandise for the Airport Golf Course; to waive the competitive bidding provisions of the Columbus City Code; to authorize the expenditure of $5,000.00 from within the Recreation and Parks operating fund; and to declare an emergency. ($5,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2584-2020 1SR-6OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Finance and Management, on behalf of Recreation and Parks, to enter into contract with Callaway Golf for the purchase of merchandise for the Airport Golf Course; to waive the competitive bidding provisions of the Columbus City Code; to authorize the expenditure of $15,000.00 from within the Recreation and Parks operating fund; and to declare an emergency. ($15,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2518-2020 1 OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into to enter into contract with Pizzuti Solutions, LLC to provide owner’s representation and planning services for the Community Creative Campus and Park project, to authorize the transfer of $330,000.00 in cash and appropriation within the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund, to authorize the amendment of the 2020 Capital Improvements Budget; to authorize the expenditure of $330,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Permanent Improvement Fund; to authorize the City Auditor, on behalf of the Recreation and Parks Department, to create a new subfund within the City’s Special Purpose Fund to account for funds received for acquisition and new development related opportunities; to authorize the revenue correction related to Ordinance 1194-2020 as described herein this ordinance; and to declare an emergency. ($330,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2498-2020 1SR-7OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Safety to enter into contract with Motorola Solutions, DBA Vigilant Solutions, for the purchase of license subscriptions to its Crime Search Investigate Module and its Investigative Data Platform as well as two (2) fixed License Plate Reader (LPR) poles; to waive the competitive bidding provisions of City Code Chapter 329; to enhance the Shot Spotter program through the purchase of software and hardware for the Division of Police; to authorize a transfer within the General Government Grant Funds; to authorize an expenditure of $104,955.00 from the General Government Grant Funds. ($104,955.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2522-2020 1SR-8OrdinanceTo authorize the Finance and Management Director to issue a purchase order to Farber Specialty Vehicles for the purchase of two (2) mobile health clinic vehicles for the Division of Fire; to waive the competitive provisions of the Columbus City Codes, Chapter 329; to authorize the expenditure of $772,869.44 from the CARES Act Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($772,869.44)ApprovedPass Action details
2541-2020 1CA-24OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Public Safety to modify the present contract with Helicopter Minuit-Men for additional funds for helicopter maintenance services, and to authorize the Finance and Management Director to associate all general budget reservations resulting from this ordinance to Arrow Energy, Inc. for the purchase of helicopter fuel; to authorize an expenditure of $425,000.00 from the General Fund. ($425,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2676-2020 1SR-9OrdinanceTo authorize and direct the Director of Recreation and Parks to enter into contracts with 28 community agencies to provide social and nutrition services to older adults in Central Ohio during 2021; to authorize the expenditure of $6,310,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Grant Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($6,310,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2547-2020 1SR-10OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of Public Utilities to modify an existing professional services agreement with H.R. Gray & Associates Inc. for the Wastewater Treatment Facilities Professional Construction Management (PCM) project Mod #5; to authorize the transfer within of up to $5,145,755.02 and expenditure of up to $6,006,851.66 from the Sanitary Sewer General Obligation Fund. ($6,006,851.66)ApprovedPass Action details
2182-2020 1SR-11OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Technology, on behalf of the Department of Public Utilities, to enter into a contract with Telvent USA LLC, for professional services, software licensing and ArcFM software maintenance and support associated with the IVR Responder 10.8.1 upgrade project for the Department of Public Utilities (DPU); in accordance with sole source procurement provisions of the Columbus City Code; to waive the competitive bidding provisions of the Columbus City Code; to authorize the expenditure of $525,589.00 from the Department of Technology, Information Services Division, Information Services Operating Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($525,589.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2681-2020 1SR-12OrdinanceTo authorize the Director of the Department of Technology, on behalf of various city departments, to modify an agreement with ConvergeOne, Inc. for hardware and maintenance and support services to enable the city’s Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System to continue utilizing remote worker/telework solutions for contact tracing efforts to mitigate the spread of COVID-19; to waive the competitive bidding provisions of City Code; to authorize the expenditure of $35,954.00 from the Department of Technology, CARES Act Funds and the Department of Technology, Information Services Division, Information Services Operating Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($35,954.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2766-2020 1SR-13OrdinanceTo authorize Department of Technology (DoT) to enter into contract with CDW Government, LLC for the purchase of software licensing, maintenance support and professional services for Rapid Identity Authentication in support of the city’s telework program; to waive the competitive bidding provisions of Columbus City Code; to authorize the expenditure of $94,737.40 from the Department of Technology, CARES Act Fund and the Department of Technology, Information Services Division, Information Services Operating Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($94,737.40)ApprovedPass Action details
2810-2020 1SR-14OrdinanceTo appropriate $1,698,832.37 within the Special Income Tax Fund; to authorize the Director of Finance and Management, on behalf of the Department of Technology, to associate all General Budget Reservations resulting from this ordinance with the appropriate Universal Term Contract/ Purchase Agreement for Microsoft Enterprise software licensing; to authorize the expenditure of $1,698,832.37 from the Special Income Tax Fund, and to declare an emergency. ($1,698,832.37)ApprovedPass Action details
2590-2020 1SR-15OrdinanceTo authorize the appropriation of $1,556,468.00 from the unappropriated balance of the Land Management Fund to the Department of Development to provide funds for the administration of the Land Redevelopment Division for budget year 2021; and to declare an emergency. ($1,556,468.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2778-2020 1SR-16OrdinanceTo authorize and direct the City Attorney to settle the lawsuit captioned Kokosing Industrial, Inc. v. City of Columbus, Ohio, Franklin County Court of Common Pleas, Case No. 20-cv-6133; to authorize the expenditure of the sum of $290,991.60 in settlement of the lawsuit; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2787-2020 1SR-17OrdinanceTo authorize and direct the Administrating and Presiding Judge of the Franklin County Municipal Court to enter into contract with the Greater Columbus Convention Center (CCC) to temporarily house certain high volume dockets to the CCC in order to continue to mitigate the health and safety risks associated with the COVID-19 emergency; to authorize the transfer of appropriation within, and the expenditure of up to $335,000.00 from the General Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($335,000.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2690-2020 1SR-18OrdinanceTo accept the proposed collective bargaining agreement between the City of Columbus and the Columbus Fire Fighters Union, Local #67, International Association of Fire Fighters (I.A.F.F. Local #67), November 1, 2020 through October 31, 2023, to provide wages, hours and other terms and conditions of employment for employees in the bargaining unit as provided in the attachment hereto; and to declare an emergency.ApprovedPass Action details
2781-2020 1SR-19OrdinanceTo authorize the Human Resources Director to enter into contract with Sybert Rhoad Lackey and Swisher LLC, for the provision of legal consultation services rendered in conjunction with collective bargaining negotiations and related activities; to authorize the expenditure of $200,000.00 from the employee benefits fund, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the costs of said contract; to waive the competitive bidding requirements of the Columbus City Codes; and to declare an emergency. ($200,000.00)Amended as submitted to the ClerkPass Action details
2781-2020 1 OrdinanceTo authorize the Human Resources Director to enter into contract with Sybert Rhoad Lackey and Swisher LLC, for the provision of legal consultation services rendered in conjunction with collective bargaining negotiations and related activities; to authorize the expenditure of $200,000.00 from the employee benefits fund, or so much thereof as may be necessary, to pay the costs of said contract; to waive the competitive bidding requirements of the Columbus City Codes; and to declare an emergency. ($200,000.00)Approved as AmendedPass Action details
2628-2020 1SR-20OrdinanceTo authorize the appropriation and expenditure of $8,102,095.00 of the anticipated FY 2020 Emergency Solutions Grant-CV Round 2 (ESG-CV2) from the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development (HUD) for the Department of Development; to authorize the Director of Development to enter into agreement with the Community Shelter Board for the administration of the City's Emergency Solutions Grant Round 2 (ESG-CV2) monies; and to declare an emergency. ($8,102,095.00)ApprovedPass Action details
2749-2020 1SR-21OrdinanceTo authorize and direct the Board of Health to accept grant funds from the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services in the amount of $4,727,019.00 and any additional funds for the Ryan White Part A HIV Care grant program; to authorize the appropriation of $4,727,019.00 and any additional funds from the unappropriated balance of the Health Department Grants Fund; to authorize the City Auditor to transfer appropriations between object classes for the Ryan White Part A HIV Care grant program; and to declare an emergency. ($4,727,019.00)ApprovedPass Action details