8 -
Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer, Rob
Dorans, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher Wyche, and
Shannon Hardin
To rezone 3622 SUNBURY RD. (43026), being 1.2± acres located at the
southeast corner of Sunbury Road and McCutcheon Road, From: L-C-2,
Limited Commercial District, To: AR-1, Apartment Residential District
(Rezoning #Z24-044).
A motion was made by Rob Dorans, seconded by Melissa Green, that this
Ordinance be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:
8 -
Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer, Rob
Dorans, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher Wyche, and
Shannon Hardin
To grant a Variance from the provisions of Sections 3332.035, R-3
residential district; 3312.49, Required parking; 3332.13, R-3 area district
requirements; 3332.19, Fronting; and 3332.27, Rear yard, of the
Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 23 ARDEN RD.
(43214), to allow two single-unit dwellings on one lot with reduced
development standards in the R-3, Residential District (Council Variance
A motion was made by Rob Dorans, seconded by Melissa Green, to Accept
entire staff report into evidence as an exhibit. The motion carried by the
following vote:
8 -
Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer, Rob
Dorans, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher Wyche, and
Shannon Hardin
A motion was made by Rob Dorans, seconded by Melissa Green, to Adopt the
findings of staff as the findings of Council. The motion carried by the following
8 -
Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer, Rob
Dorans, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher Wyche, and
Shannon Hardin
A motion was made by Rob Dorans, seconded by Melissa Green, that this
Ordinance be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:
8 -
Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer, Rob
Dorans, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher Wyche, and
Shannon Hardin
To grant a Variance from the provisions of Section 3333.18, Building
lines, of the Columbus City Codes; for the property located at 3622
SUNBURY RD. (43026), to allow reduced building setback lines for an
apartment building in the AR-1, Apartment Residential District (Council
Variance #CV24-113).
A motion was made by Rob Dorans, seconded by Melissa Green, to Accept
entire staff report into evidence as an exhibit. The motion carried by the