that this Ordinance be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:
9 - Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer,
Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher
Wyche, and Shannon Hardin
To authorize the Director of the Department of Public Utilities to
modify and increase the contract funding with Resource International,
Inc. and Korda/Nemeth Engineering Inc. for the Department of Public
Utilities General Engineering Services - Storm and Sanitary - 2022
project; to authorize an amendment to the 2024 Capital Improvement
Budget; to authorize the transfer of funds and appropriation between
projects in the Storm Sewer Bond Fund and the Sanitary Bond Fund;
and to authorize an expenditure of up to $1,000,000.00 within the
Storm Sewer Bond Fund and the Sanitary Bond Fund to pay for the
contract modification. ($1,000,000.00)
A motion was made by Emmanuel V. Remy, seconded by Rob Dorans, to Waive
the 2nd Reading. The motion carried by the following vote:
9 - Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer,
Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher
Wyche, and Shannon Hardin
A motion was made by Christopher Wyche, seconded by Nancy Day-Achauer,
that this Ordinance be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:
9 - Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer,
Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher
Wyche, and Shannon Hardin
To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into an agreement
with Thomas Scientific LLC for drinking water pitchers, for the Division
of Water; to authorize the transfer of $92,260.00 between object
classes in the Water Operating Fund; and to authorize the expenditure
of $92,260.00 within the Water Operating Fund. ($92,260.00)
A motion was made by Emmanuel V. Remy, seconded by Rob Dorans, to Waive
the 2nd Reading. The motion carried by the following vote:
9 - Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer,
Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher
Wyche, and Shannon Hardin
A motion was made by Christopher Wyche, seconded by Nancy Day-Achauer,
that this Ordinance be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:
9 - Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer,
Rob Dorans, Shayla Favor, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher
Wyche, and Shannon Hardin
To authorize the Director of the Department of Public Utilities to renew
a contract with Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. for general financial
services; and to authorize the expenditure of $250,000.00 split among
the Electricity, Water, Sanitary Sewer, and Stormwater Operating
Funds. ($250,000.00)
A motion was made by Emmanuel V. Remy, seconded by Rob Dorans, to Waive
the 2nd Reading. The motion carried by the following vote: