with Proline Electric, Inc. for the Lighting Improvements 2023-2024
Project; to authorize the transfer of $326,625.55 within the Recreation
and Parks Voted Bond Fund; to authorize the amendment of the 2024
Capital Improvements Budget; to authorize the expenditure of
$1,002,000.00 from the Recreation and Parks Voted Bond Fund; and to
declare an emergency. ($1,002,000.00)
A motion was made by Nancy Day-Achauer, seconded by Melissa Green, that
this Ordinance be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:
8 -
Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer, Rob
Dorans, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher Wyche, and
Shannon Hardin
To authorize and direct the City Attorney to settle all claims with Allison
Meade related to three employment discrimination charges filed with the
Ohio Civil Rights Commission (OCRC) and the Equal Employment
Opportunities Commission (EEOC); to authorize the expenditure of
Sixty-Five Thousand Dollars and Zero Cents ($65,000.00) in settlement
of the administrative charges; to authorize the transfer of said funds from
the Citywide Account into the Department of Public Safety’s General
Fund; and to declare an emergency. ($65,000.00)
A motion was made by Emmanuel V. Remy, seconded by Melissa Green, that
this Ordinance be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:
8 -
Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer, Rob
Dorans, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher Wyche, and
Shannon Hardin
To authorize and direct the City Attorney to settle the lawsuit known as
Shirley Smith, et al. v. Eric Pugh, et al., Case No. 23 CV 5544 pending in
the Franklin County Court of Common Pleas; to authorize the expenditure
of the sum of forty-five thousand dollars and zero cents ($45,000.00) from
the General Fund in settlement of this lawsuit; and to declare an
A motion was made by Emmanuel V. Remy, seconded by Melissa Green, that
this Ordinance be Approved. The motion carried by the following vote:
8 -
Nicholas Bankston, Lourdes Barroso De Padilla, Nancy Day-Achauer, Rob
Dorans, Melissa Green, Emmanuel Remy, Christopher Wyche, and
Shannon Hardin
To authorize and direct the City Attorney to settle all claims with Brianne
Schell; to authorize the Board of Health to expend Sixty Thousand Dollars
and Zero Cents ($60,000.00) in settlement of the claims; to authorize a
transfer from the General fund to the Health Special Revenue Fund; to
authorize an increase of appropriation within the Health Special Revenue
fund to provide for the settlement of all claims with Brianne Schell; and to
declare an emergency. (60,000.00)