This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Department of Technology to enter into the second of a five year contract with Avante Solutions, Inc., for Cherwell /Information Technology Service Management (ITSM) software maintenance and support, at the cost of $35,000.00. This contract was authorized by ordinance 2286-2017, passed by City Council on October 16, 2017, establishing PO091200. Although it was inadvertently omitted in ordinance 2286-2017, per the proposal referenced in the attachment, page 6, file name: AvantePriceResponseCityColumbusRFQ0056032017 (002), that the proposal reflected a five year software maintenance and support services contract, therefore this should have been stated in the ordinance. This ordinance is to authorize the second year of the five year software maintenance and support services contract. The term period for this contract will be February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2020.
This software enables the Department of Technology to better track, record and address service requests and issues that could possibly impact its customers. The Department of Technology can also use the ITSM system to proactively monitor other critical systems (e.g. Accela, CUBS, 311) to detect and resolve potential issues with these systems before department customers are impacted. This software will enable several ‘self-service’ features that will allow customers to submit their own tickets, reset their passwords and departments will have the ability to view and track their tickets as they are being worked on. This software will leverage good processes in the enterprise IT environment to better manage and measure incidents, problems, changes, service levels and risks which saves money, creates efficiencies and builds structure. It will also better define roles and responsibilities, facilitate metrics for benchmarking, add continual improvement and introduce higher levels of accountability to IT investment because IT is increasingly becoming more complex and more mission critical to the business.
Avante Solutions, Inc. F.I.D.#/:36-4314249 Expiration Date: 05/16/2019
(DAX Vendor Acct. #: 022013)
In 2017, the Department of Technology legislated $447,408.52, for the purchase of Avante Solutions, Inc., for Cherwell/ITSM software licensing, software maintenance and support, training services, data conversion services, software implementation services and computer hardware with OnX USA LLC. The 2018 ordinance will authorize $35,000.00 for Avante Solutions, Inc. for the ITSM software maintenance and support services. Funds are available within the Department of Technology, Information Services Division, Information Service Operating Fund. The contract aggregate total including this ordinance is $482,408.52.
To authorize the Director of the Department of Technology to enter into the second year of a five year contract with Avante Solutions, Inc. for Cherwell/ ITSM software maintenance and support services at a cost of $35,000.00; to authorize the expenditure of $35,000.00 from the Department of Technology, Information Services Division, Information Services Operating Fund. ($35,000.00)
WHEREAS, this ordinance authorizes the Director of the Department of Technology to enter into the second of a five year contract with Avante Solutions, Inc. for the purchase of Cherwell/ITSM software maintenance and support services, at a cost of $35,000.00, for the term period of February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2020; and
WHEREAS, the original contract was authorized by ordinance 2286-2017, passed by City Council on October 16, 2017, establishing PO091200; it was inadvertently omitted in ordinance 2286-2017, per the proposal referenced in the attachment, page 6, file name: AvantePriceResponseCityColumbusRFQ0056032017 (002), that the proposal reflected a five year software maintenance and support services contract, therefore, this should have been stated in the ordinance. This ordinance is to authorize the second year of the five year software maintenance and support services contract; and
WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the usual daily operation of the Department of Technology to authorize the Director to enter into the second year of the contract with Avante Solutions, Inc., for Cherwell/ ITSM software maintenance and support services, thereby preserving the public health, peace, property, safety, and welfare; now, therefore:
SECTION 1: That the Director of the Department of Technology be, and is hereby, authorized to enter into the second year of a five year contract with Avante Solutions, Inc. for the purchase of Cherwell/ITSM software maintenance and support services. That it was inadvertently omitted in ordinance 2286-2017, per the proposal referenced in the attachment, page 6, file name: AvantePriceResponseCityColumbusRFQ0056032017 (002), that the proposal reflected a five year software maintenance and support services contract, therefore this should have been stated in the ordinance. That this ordinance is to authorize the second year of the five year software maintenance and support services contract for a term period of February 1, 2019 through January 31, 2020, in the amount of $35,000.00.
SECTION 2: That the expenditure of $35,000.00 or so much thereof as may be necessary is hereby authorized to be expended from (Please see attached 2936-2018 EXP):
Dept.: 47 | Div.: 47-02 | Obj. Class: 03 | Main Account: 63946 | Fund: 5100 | Sub-fund: 510001 | Program: IT005 | Section 3: N/A | Section 4: N/A| Section 5: N/A | Amount: $35,000.00
SECTION 3: That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.
SECTION 4: That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this ordinance.
SECTION 5: That this ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.