This ordinance authorizes the Director of the Department of Technology (DoT), on behalf of various city departments, to modify an agreement with ConvergeOne, Inc. to provide hardware and maintenance and support services for the City’s enterprise Interactive Voice Response (IVR) System. Due to COVID-19, Columbus Public Health Department, 311, BZS, and Public Utilities are extending the City's existing City Call Centers to provide for remote access by City Call Center staff to support Telework. Columbus Public Health has an on-site and a remote call center utilizing IVR for staff, contractors and/or volunteers to provide COVID-19 testing and contact tracing services to the public which includes remote telephone access. The hardware and maintenance and support services are for remote workter/telework solution services for contact tracing efforts. The coverage term period is through April 29, 2021. The total expenditure being authorized for this contract modification is $35,954.00.
This IVR system is used by the city’s 311, Public Utilities, BZS, and Technology Help Desk call centers. The Department of Technology via SA005214 established a contract agreement (EL015526) under the authority of ordinance 0177-2014 passed by council March 31, 2014 to acquire IVR equipment, software, maintenance and support, and services. Ordinance 0177-2014 authorized a one-year contract with four annual renewal options. Since the last renewal option has been exhausted, the department requests to waive the provisions of competitive bidding.
The coverage term period of this contract agreement will be through April 29, 2021
1. Amount of additional funds to be expended: $35,954.00
Original contract amount (Ord. #:0177-2014): $112,342.51
Modifications (1-3) $417,038.60
Maintenance and support renewals $218,298.46
Modification # 4 (Ord. #: 2764-2018) $49,300.00
Modification # 5 (Ord. # 0768-2019) $192,937.92
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