1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to renew (Renewal #1) an engineering agreement with Hatch Chester Engineers (Ohio), Inc. for the Southwesterly Composting Facility Odor Control Improvements project, CIP 650375-100002. This contract will provide professional engineering services for preliminary design, detailed design services during bidding and services during construction for the Southwesterly Composting Facility Odor Control Improvements. These services shall include, but are not limited to, inspections and evaluations of existing conditions, surveying, preparation of engineering or architectural drawings, preparation of documents/drawings for permit approval, preparation of specifications and bidding documents, preparation of record plan drawings and technical assistance in the preparation of documents.
This project will design new composting pads with accompanying bio-filters, while maintaining the composting process’ uninterrupted operation. Abandoned areas of the facility will be reconfigured to provide additional storage of composting bulking agents. Large areas of the pavement surface in the facility will be inspected and repaved as required with new concrete surfaces. Improvements will also be made to the employee locker rooms and showering facilities. The actual construction and commissioning of the improvements to the Compost Facility will generally be accomplished by others.
1.1 Original Contract $ 864,820.00
Renewal #1 $2,250,500.00
Current Total $3,115,320.00
Future Renewal #2 $ 2,000,000.00
Future Proposed Total $ 5,115,320.00
1.2 Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
Contract renewal was planned.
1.3 Reason other procurement processes are not used:
Due to the highly complex and technical nature of this wastewater t...
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