1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Directors of Public Utilities and Public Service to enter into a Construction Administration and Construction Inspection (CA/CI) services contract with DLZ of Ohio, Inc. The services for this contract include oversight of projects during construction to ensure that work performed by the construction contractor conforms to project plans and specifications. DLZ of Ohio, Inc. will perform construction administration/inspection services for Division of Sewerage and Drainage that commence construction during the years 2017 through 2019. The contract will be modified as needed throughout the three (3) year period to include these projects as they go to construction. Projects are located throughout the City of Columbus.
This group of CA/CI projects consists of funding for two (2) Sewerage and Drainage projects and one (1) Division of Public Service.
Division of Sewerage and Drainage:
General CA/CI (DPU) CIP #:650800-100000 $: 50,000.00
Morse/Dominion Integrated Solutions (DPU) CIP #:650870-100003 $: 498,998.65
DPU EXPENDITURE: $: 548,998.65
Roadway Improvements - Cannon Drive* (DPS) CIP #:530161-100105 $: 248,022.24
*: The Department of Public Service is funding the CA/CI portion of the relocation of Cannon Drive on the Ohio State University Campus. The Franklin Main Sewer is located within Cannon Drive and it will be relocated as a result of the Cannon Drive Relocation Project.
2. BID INFORMATION: The Department of Public Utilities advertised for a RFP for Construction Administration / Construction Inspection (CA/CI) services on the City’s Vendor Services website per the overall provisions of Section 329. Four (4) proposals were received on November 4, 2016 from: PRIME AE Group, DLZ Ohio, Stantec Consulting Services, and CTL Engineering.
The Department of Public Utilities recommended that three-year agreements be awarded to each of...
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