This legislation will authorize the Director of the Department of Technology on behalf of the Department of Public Utilities to enter into contract with Telvent USA LLC (wholly owned subsidiary of Schneider Electric doing business as Schneider Electric), for professional services, software licensing and ArcFM software maintenance and support associated with the IVR Responder 10.8.1 upgrade project for the Department of Public Utilities (DPU). The Division of Power (DOP) uses a system called Responder to track and manage power outages, etc. This system uses a tool list called ArcFM that integrates with ESRI's GIS to trace outages on the DOP GIS data layers. This is a critical operational management system, as well as customer interactions management system related to power outages. DPU is upgrading the current Responder application and upgrading ArcFM to 10.8.1 in order to keep the system current and to also take advantage of new functionality. ArcFM software is also used by DPU to track the City’s electric assets using geographic information system (GIS) technology currently used by DoT’s GIS office for tracking the City’s fiber assets using GIS technology. The total cost associated with this legislation is $525,589.00 (which includes $70,000.00 in contingency funds in case of any unforeseen circumstances). The coverage term period for this contract is one (1) year from the date of a purchase order confirmed/certified by the Columbus City Auditor's Office.
This ordinance requests approval of services provided by Telvent USA LLC for the IVR Responder ArcFM Upgrade 10.8.1, in accordance with sole source procurement provisions of Chapter 329 of Columbus City Codes. It has been determined that Telvent USA LLC is the sole source of software licensing, professional services, maintenance and support and training/implementation services for ArcFM software solutions and does not utilize re-sellers for this purpose. Given the circumstances, ...
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