1. BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to renew (R#1) an existing engineering agreement with ms Consultants, Inc. for the Blueprint Columbus Hilltop Eureka/Fremont project, CIP 650870-100802. To date, the consultant has conducted the required field investigations, property investigations, storm sewer cleaning and televising, hydraulic modeling & alternative analysis to determine the preferred alternative Blueprint solution within the Greater Hilltop planning area. The consultants have used this data to assemble the 30% project plans and are currently working towards their 60% plan submittal. Future work will concentrate on completing the project construction plans, assembling the construction documents, bidding the work and conducting engineering services during construction. A future renewal is anticipated.
This project also provides for necessary water main improvements in the area bounded by Hague Avenue, Broad Street, Wheatland Avenue, and Sullivant Avenue. There will be approximately 9,200 linear feet of water line replaced and approximately 300 water services replaced within the project area. This water line work will be bid concurrently with Sewers and Drains’ project.
The project is located in the “53 - Greater Hilltop” Community Planning Area and includes the following streets: Hague Avenue, Broad Street, Wheatland Avenue, Sullivant Avenue, Richardson Avenue, Palmetto Street, Wicklow Street, Wayne Avenue, and Fremont Street.
1.1 Amount of additional funds to be expended: $916,844.15
Original Contract $ 1,956,247.00
Modification 1 (current) $ 916,844.15
Total $ 2,873,091.15
1.2 Reasons additional goods/services could not be foreseen:
This modification was planned at cont...
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