BACKGROUND: This legislation authorizes the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract with R.W. Setterlin Building Co. for the Watershed Facilities Improvements Project; in an amount up to $1,668,650.00; for Division of Water Capital Improvements Project No. 690525-100000, Contract No. 2177.
Funds in the amount of $2,000.00 will also be encumbered with the Department of Public Service for Prevailing Wage services.
Work consists of replacement of the maintenance workshop and erection of a storage bay for materials at Griggs Watershed Facility; mechanical/HVAC improvements; replacement of the lift station, removal of the abandoned septic tank at the Hoover Watershed Facility, miscellaneous site, structural, architectural, and associated Access control upgrades at both facilities, and other such work as may be necessary to complete the contract, in accordance with the plans and specifications set forth in the Invitation For Bid.
The Community Planning Area for this project is “99 - Citywide” since work services multiple community planning areas.
ECONOMIC IMPACT/ADVANTAGES; COMMUNITY OUTREACH; PROJECT DEVELOPMENT; ENVIRONMENTAL FACTORS/ADVANTAGES OF PROJECT: The targeted facilities have various issues due to age, condition, and layout. Some were re-purposed from residential structures, and their layout does not support their current use relative to operational, environmental, safety, and ADA perspectives.
Occasional improvements are necessary to reduce excessive maintenance costs and extend the life of these facilities. Upgrades and best practices to the administrative and field office facilities for Watershed Management were evaluated and considered for improvement. These improvements have positive environmental impacts and potential energy savings by improving the building envelopes, improving reliability of building mechanical systems and bringing facilities up to code, and addressing secure access for Watershed facilities. The majority of the work will occur within areas that are not accessible to the public, so no community outreach is anticipated.
CONSTRUCTION CONTRACT AWARD: The Director of Public Utilities publicly opened two (2) bids on June 9, 2021 from R.W. Setterlin Building Co. and Kokosing Industrial, Inc.
PRE-QUALIFICATION STATUS: R.W. Setterlin Building Co. and all proposed subcontractors have met code requirements with respect to pre-qualification, pursuant to relevant sections of Columbus City Code Chapter 329.
R.W. Setterlin Building Co.’s bid was deemed the lowest, best, most responsive and responsible bid in the amount of $1,668,650.00. Their Contract Compliance Number is 31-0836188 (expires 11/3/22, Majority) and their DAX Vendor Account No. is 4372. Additional information regarding both bidders, description of work, contract time frame and detailed amounts can be found on the attached Information form.
Searches in the Excluded Party List System (Federal) and the Findings for Recovery list (State) produced no findings against R.W. Setterlin Building Co.
FISCAL IMPACT: There are sufficient funds within the Water G.O. Voted Bonds Fund - Fund No. 6006 for this expenditure.
To authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract with R.W. Setterlin Building Co. for the Watershed Facilities Improvements Project; to authorize an expenditure up to $1,670,650.00 within the Water General Obligation Voted Bonds Fund; and to provide for payment of prevailing wage services to the Department of Public Service; for the Division of Water. ($1,670,650.00)
WHEREAS, two (2) bids for the Watershed Facilities Improvements Project were received and publicly opened in the offices of the Director of Public Utilities on June 9, 2021; and
WHEREAS, the lowest, best, most responsive and responsible bid was from R.W. Setterlin Building Co. in the amount of $1,668,650.00; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the Director of the Department of Public Utilities to award and execute a construction contract for the Watershed Facilities Improvements Project; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize the Director of the Department of Public Utilities to encumber and expend funds to provide for payment of prevailing wage services associated with said project; and
WHEREAS, it is necessary to authorize an expenditure of funds within the Water G.O. Voted Bonds Fund - Fund No. 6006, for the Division of Water; and
WHEREAS, it has become necessary in the usual daily operation of the Division of Water, Department of Public Utilities, to authorize the Director of Public Utilities to enter into a construction contract for the Watershed Facilities Improvements Project, with R.W. Setterlin Building Co., for the preservation of the public health, peace, property and safety; now therefore,
SECTION 1. That the Director of Public Utilities be and hereby is authorized to award and execute a contract for the Watershed Facilities Improvements Project with R.W. Setterlin Building Co. (FID #31-0836188), 560 Harmon Ave., Columbus OH 43223; in an amount up to $1,668,650.00; in accordance with the terms and conditions of the contract on file in the Office of the Division of Water; and to obtain the necessary prevailing wage related services from the Department of Public Service and to pay up to a maximum amount of $2,000.00.
SECTION 2. That said contractor shall conduct the work to the satisfaction of the Director of Public Utilities and the Administrator of the Division of Water.
SECTION 3. That the expenditure of $1,670,650.00 or so much thereof as may be needed, is hereby authorized in Fund 6006 - Water G.O. Bonds Fund, in Object Class 06 - Capital Outlay, per the accounting codes in the attachment to this ordinance.
SECTION 4. That the funds necessary to carry out the purpose of this Ordinance are hereby deemed appropriated, and the City Auditor shall establish such accounting codes as necessary.
SECTION 5. That the City Auditor is hereby authorized and directed to transfer any unencumbered balance in the project account to the unallocated balance within the same fund upon receipt of certification by the Director of the Department administering said project that the project has been completed and the monies no longer required for said project; except that no transfer shall be made from a project account by monies from more than one source.
SECTION 6. That the City Auditor is authorized to establish proper project accounting numbers as appropriate.
SECTION 7. That the City Auditor is authorized to make any accounting changes to revise the funding source for all contracts or contract modifications associated with this Ordinance.
SECTION 8. That this Ordinance shall take effect and be in force from and after the earliest period allowed by law.