The City’s Department of Public Utilities (“DPU”) is engaged in acquiring real estate for the Sunbury/Mock Home Sewage Treatment Systems (HSTS) Elimination Project, C.I.P. No. 650895-100007 (“Public Project”).
This project is being undertaken to eliminate home septic systems due to the potential ground water pollution hazard. The project constructs sanitary sewer along Sunbury Road in the following areas: from Agler Road to approximately 250 feet north of Mock Road; along Mock Road from Sunbury Road to Bar Harbor Road; from Glenoak Drive approximately 1,200 feet south along Sunbury Road; and along Glenoak Drive and Sycamore Knoll Drive. The City must acquire in good faith and accept certain fee simple and lesser real estate located in the this (collectively, “Real Estate”) in order for DPU to complete the Public Project. Accordingly, DPU requested the City Attorney to acquire the Real Estate in good faith and contract for associated professional services (e.g. surveys, title work, appraisals, etc.) in order for DPU to timely complete the Public Project.
Exhibits and legal descriptions are attached to this Ordinance showing the details of the easements and temporary easements planned to be acquired for this project.
Not applicable.
Funds in the amount of $120,000.00 are budgeted, available, and appropriated in Project 650895-100007, the Sunbury/Mock Home Sewage Treatment Systems (HSTS) Elimination project, for this expenditure in the Sanitary Bond Fund, Fund 6109.
Emergency action is requested in order to acquire the Real Estate and allow DPU to timely complete the Public Project improvements without unnecessary delay in order to eliminate potential ground water pollution hazards from home septic tank systems.
To authorize the City Attorney to spend City funds to acquire and accept in good faith certain fee simple and lesser real estate locate...
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